Category 129
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OTBI AP invoice report for approver, approval action date, payment dateSummary: We tried to build one, but the payment date is coming in incorrectly where it says it was paid before the invoice was even created. Anyone successfully build su…Alex Glose 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AnamariaRoman-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
What tablle gives the solicitation response historyI am looking for data under analyze →view response history on the solictation page
Can I change the default attributes of a BICC extraxt file stored in UCM?Summary: I'm creating 2 extracts of BICC sourced from the same PVO for 2 different purposes, this is creating files with the same name. I need to download the files and …Octavio Aguirre 11 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Dave Kekish Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Connect GL Location Segment to Location AddressHi, we have Locations in Oracle we need to associate with the Location Segment in the GL Account String. Scenario: We have Account Aliases we are using to decrement our …Becca Edwards 31 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Andreea Brem-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Which Oracle DB packages are provided in BIP datamodels?Summary: Hello, actually we are looking for an Oracle provided db package with a standard function to convert item weights between item_weight uom codes. I want to use t…Frank.Steinjan 75 views 5 comments 3 points Most recent by Frank.Steinjan Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Deeps links for payable invoicei want to create a payable report when i click on invoice number open a new windows have the invoice deatils i want a deeps link for the payable infoices
Can we get the UCM file download link in BIPHI All, I'd like to build a report with UCM file name and download link. SQL can extract file name and file id. But how can I get the file download link? Thanks in advan…
OTBI Drill Down for AR_Transaction does not work with VIEW actionSummary: OTBI Drill Down for AR_Transaction does not work with VIEW action. It works with the EDIT action. It shows in Deep Links (under Tools) that it's a valid action.…Chris Diltz-Oracle 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fazal Subhan Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Need to fetch the amount( Debit - Credit) from XLA tablesSummary: Need to fetch the amount( Debit - Credit) from XLA tables Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We developed the query to fetch the amo…
Link between Cost Management, XLA and GL_Code_Combinations tables in FuisonSummary: Link between Cost Management, XLA and GL_Code_Combinations tables in Fuison Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to build the …
BICC Extract using Web Services returns only headersSummary: We are invoking a BICC Extract using Web Service call. The web service is successfully submitting the job. The job is successful and it generates the files in U…
Funnel percentage Graph change to 100%Summary: How I change the Funnel view to have 100% percentage in each phase? As below in the first phase I have 5395, where I've expect o have until 100% percentage Cont…
Drill Down from BI Publisher to another BI Publisher (Summary to Detail)Summary: Trying to navigate from a summary report to detailed report. I am following the documentation. This is the URL I am using.…
Fusion ERP - Roles x Privileges ReportHi everyone, Do we have a report that lists all the privileges for all roles (including both predefined and custom roles) in Fusion ERP? Something like this: Role | Priv…Jorge Gutierre 46 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Jorge Gutierre Reporting and Analytics for ERP
possibility to build OTBI analytics report from Cash Management bank statement + Accounting dataSummary: Hi, would like to ask for any hint and help, if OTBI analytics tool is suitable to build report from Cash Management bank statement + Accounts from Primary and …
Requirement to add Custom fields on EDI856 in Collaboration Messaging FrameworkSummary: We have done the setups in Collaboration Messaging Framework(CMK) in ERP Cloud Fusion for EDI 856 (Advance Shipping Notice). Our client is looking for few of th…Amit Sutar 121 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Datta Ghuge Acn Reporting and Analytics for ERP
The following KFF segments has set up issues and needs to be resolved before BI extender can be runSummary: We are running: Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence Output file shows this error: Why are we seeing these errors?. We a…Bo Tøpgaard 51 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Praveen Kumar Akkala-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Can I edit the template of FYI notification myself?Summary: Would you please let me know whether I can edit the templates of FYI notification myself? If yes, where can I find these templates? Thanks. 1, the FYI notificat…
We need to perform a mass update of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for customers in OracleWe need to perform a mass update of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for customers in Oracle ERP, as per the requirement. We attempted to accomplish this using O…
PVO BankAccountExtractPVO returns bank account data in OTBI - Issue SQL but no data via BICCNeed to identify missing privilege or profile. PVO FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.CeBiccExtractAM.BankAccountExtractPVO not returning data via BICC. In Fusion > Tools > Rep…Stéphane Lamy-Bouchard 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nathan CCC Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Is there a way I can concatenate addresses in HZ_LOCATIONS?In EBS, you could call a package (hz_format_pub.format_address()) which would concatenate the address elements when passed the location_id as an argument respective to t…Innovate.Matt 38 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Innovate.Matt Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How to find Parameters passed for scheduled ESS jobSummary: ESS job 'Purge interface tables' was scheduled 4 years back for AP invoice, due to some issue we cancelled the schedule and now we want to find the parameters u…Nidhi Chhajed 2.4K views 28 comments 0 points Most recent by PaulaPraska Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Which table does PO notification report extract data fromDear support, I found in Purchase Order Notification report, sometimes the data is extracted from table PO_HEADERS_ALL and PO_LINES_ALL, sometimes the data is from table…
Payment History Transaction amount getting doubled OTBISummary: We are selecting columns (Supplier Number, PPR Name, Payment method, Payment number Payment status, Payment History Transaction amount, Payment History Transact…Panduleni Kadhepa 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AnamariaRoman-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Data Migration from EBS to Fusion strategySummary: Could you please provide me with the steps for migrating data from EBS to Fusion? We are planning to move supplier lifecycle management and contract lifecycle m…
List of all seeded reports navigation path required for procurement contracts, SCM, ProcurementI am going to the below navigation for getting the list of all the seeded reports. Below is the example for procurement but could not find the right link. could you plea…Santosh Kumar,Rayudu 64 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Nathan CCC Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Getting 403 Forbidden calling BI Pulisher service (ExternalReportWSSService) ?Summary: While calling BI Publisher soap service (ExternalReportWSSService) using JAVA API (jax-ws), we are getting 403 forbidden error. This was working fine earlier, Q…User_ZVJPC 31 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Praveen Kumar Akkala-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Sorting in eText templateSummary: We have a requirement to sort data based on a tag from XML using eText template Content (required): In eText we can sort based on tags but here we have to sort …
Is there a way to predefine calculations in oracle cloud ERP for FRS reportsMost of our Financial reports built using Oracle FRS Web studio are driven by calculations. Managing custom reports becoming more and more difficult whenever there is a …Priya Mandava 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Priya Mandava Reporting and Analytics for ERP
logo in OTBISummary: I am trying to load a logo image on an OTBI Report, I am getting this error. "The file uploaded may contain a virus or otherwise failed to be scanned for viruse…mmjohnson0522 51 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by mmjohnson0522 Reporting and Analytics for ERP