Category 149
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How to disable certain fields through VBS when Special Handling Request is enabledBusiness Use case: In order to create a Special Handling Request (Bill Only Requisition) the prerequisite as per the client is to have an Active CPA/BPA with the Supplie…hansel_Dsilva-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Somya Saxena-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Attachment Flows from Requisition to PO: An OverviewSummary How attachments belonging to various categories traverse the Requisition to PO / Receiving Flows Content Customers / Support Several of you have asked through va…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 1.8K views 32 comments 30 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP introduction videoHi Do we have an introductory video for RSSP 25A or any of its previous version. Which can be shared to business to get the of it. NOTE - I have already referred videos …Manisha Gupta 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP - "Urgent" field to be aligned in PR header and PR lines section?Summary: RSSP - "Urgent" field to be aligned in PR header and PR lines section? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Would like to …
Redwood notification email - content not applying autofit?Summary: Redwood notification email - content not applying autofit? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We are in cohort B and dul…
RSSP - Attachments are missing after PR created.Summary: RSSP - Attachments are missing after PR created. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, It appears that the attachments uplo…Liwen Chiu 59 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Sampath Reddy Devireddy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Responsive SSP does not highlight CVR violation detailsSummary: Hi Team In responsive SSP, if charge account cannot be generated due to CVR violation, system does not show message with root cause details. This is unlike clas…ShrutiSood 32 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanthi Petla-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Approvers screen shows blank when viewed from cart before submitting requisition in RSSPApprovers screen shows blank when viewed from cart before submitting requisition in RSSP and when we click in view approvers after submitting requisition. But current ap…Lokesh Koppera 476 views 45 comments 2 points Most recent by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Redwood RSSP- Cant see DFF under Additional InformationSummary: We are facing an issue on the Redwood RSSP create_noncatalog_request page. We have customized the page using VB but cant see the DFF's under Additional Informat…SoumyadipBasak251 131 views 18 comments 1 point Most recent by Somya Saxena-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP - "Delivery and Billing Details" page to have commas separating the thousandsSummary: RSSP - "Delivery and Billing Details" page to have commas separating the thousands Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Ma…
customer needs to change the COA and will create new LE, how to handle the current working Proc BUSummary: In case customer have one legal entity, one procurement BU and for some financial issues, he needs to change COA and will create new legal entity and ledge, rei…Maha Darweesh-Oracle 4 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Maha Darweesh-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
A Requestion previously rejected with Incomplete status cannot be resubmitted nor cancelledSummary: A Requestion previously rejected with Incomplete status cannot be resubmitted nor cancelled. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ther…
How can we create receipts on behalf of others in Procurement>My Receipts (New)?Hi, We have a requirement which is to create receipts on behalf of other employees based on department, e.g. PR requester is employee A, from department X the employee B…
Checklist for RSSP migration from SSPSummary: We are planning to migrate SSP to RSSP. I was wondering if Oracle has any checklist to review and take course of action so that the migration can be smooth. lik…
Support Required for Auto-Complete Rules with RedwoodSummary: Support Required for Auto-Complete Rules with Redwood Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have created multiple Descriptive Flexfi…Jeeva R 5 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Jeeva R HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Assistance needed to export the approval rulesSummary: Assistance needed to export the approval rules Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We require the approval details in the export opti…
How to modify the POSR cXML and add a new extrinsic field for PunchoutsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Swati epari 7 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Redwood-Style Requisition Approval FYI NotificationsSummary: In 25B feature list of RSSP, there is a point regarding the " Use and Configure Redwood-Style Requisition Approval FYI Notifications" . We wanted to understand …Pragyanand-Das-Oracle 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Unable to search item numbers list in RSSPSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When entering a new requisition (Item based), there is a drop down option for items but nothing i…Srinivas Reddy 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How input some picture BPA for catalogSummary: We have requirement from Customer with detail : We create BPA with item code and item description (There field image URL and Tumbnail image)Could we upload some…Andika Kurniawan 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Impact on switching to Classic SSP UI from RSSPSummary: we are planning to implement RSSP. If users start transacting in Redwood SSP and after creating some transactions, if we find any issues and want to revert back…
Could Different buyer in PO (automatically from PR) with Buyer in BPASummary: Requirement from Customer : BPA (Blanket Purchase Agreement) with buyer Casey brown and BPA approved. We are setup PR automatically become PO Requester create P…
Functionality of ‘Show the table view for search results’ is in ‘Display settings’ ?Summary: Could you please explain to me what the functionality of ‘Show the table view for search results’ is in ‘Display settings’? I’ve looked through the Help Centre …Leanne Dudley 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Error When Adding Additional Approvers in Requisition EditingHello, We've encountered an issue where approvers receive an error when attempting to add additional approvers while editing a requisition as an approver. We’re curious …Ore Oyelaja 24 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP After creating a requisition, I can’t change the account code per lineSummary: I create a noncatalog request with 2 items. In View Cart, the only the option to change the Account Code for the ENTIRE RQ. We need to assign codes per line. In…
How to enforce the same project information at project billing and charge account level of Req/PO?Summary: When creating a requisition, a user has the ability to add project details in the project billing area. When a project is entered in there, we try to train user…
Idea 663417 Work Confirmation Adjustment Needs Up VotingHello, I'm asking for everyone's assistance in reading Idea 663417 and upvoting this to allow the ability to correct, update, and create negative work confirmations for …
How can we default the tax classification code based on the item selected in RSSPSummary: How can we default the tax classification code based on the item selected in RSSP. I have set the value at item master for 'Input Tax Classification Code' field…Shalini Singh-Oracle 61 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Nayak-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to display Information Catalog on the Redwood RSSP Page?Summary: On the classic RSSP page, there was a column named "Information and Tips", where we could view our informational catalogs. However, on the new RSSP page, we are…Vikrant Bhardwaj-Oracle 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Self Service Procurement