Category 149
Discussion List
Use case to use ignoreParticipant vs Auto Approver in Rule's ActionSummary: We have a requirement where invoices from a specific source should be auto approved. No approval should be required for those invoices. We already have some rul…
Will the catalog category hierarchy be available in RSSP browsing in a future release?Summary: Hi, In old SSP, we were able to organize categories like this. If we click 'Office Supplies', only punchout vendors associated to 'Office Supplies' are displaye…User_elizabeth430lat 48 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_elizabeth430lat Self Service Procurement
How to Create Guided Journeys in RSSP 24CHi Everyone, I’m trying to figure out how to create Guided Journeys in RSSP 24C. I've looked through the Oracle documentation and community posts, but I'm still unclear …
Requisition page not loading in its default set, different UI compared to my previous practice.Summary: Practicing using fusion demo; default requisition page setup is not displaying. Have cross checked with user access and roles. Even though it is accessible but …
When adding item to cart you don't always get "Create another request"Summary: RSSP Redwood: When adding item to cart you don't always get "Create another request", sometimes you get that option displayed when submitting an item to your ba…
Responsive SSP 24C new features Enter Requisition lines not showing the agreement in LOVSummary: Responsive Self Service Procurement 24C features Enter Requisition lines is not displaying the Agreement number for the catalog items for which we have BPA. Con…Kardam Shastri 79 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Sampath Reddy Devireddy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP Redwood: Appears that only one requisition at a time can be reassignedSummary: Appears that only one requisition at a time can be reassigned, is there any possibility of reassigning multiple requisitions at a time to a different approver. …
How can I create destination type with the name of "Fixed Asset"Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
VBCS Page theme(fonts, colors) should look like Fusion pages(Redwood pages)Summary: Hi everyone, Currently, we are working on enhancing the Requisition Data Entry using a VBCS custom page. We have successfully enabled navigation from the Redwoo…gauri dudhane 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requester is getting error message POR-2010308 The Price exceeds the agreement price limitError message above appears when there is no agreement amount listed on the any BPAs the item is linked. Please advise on the next steps. Should item be expired in BPA, …Mailyn Calvar 3 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
requester change order shows approvals needed but auto approvesSummary: When creating a requester change order the view approvals show multiple approvers are needed but auto-approves when submitted any suggestions on why this is hap…Cynthia Lucero 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
What happens if the instance gets refreshed, All the work in the VBS will be lostIf the development instance is cloned from Prod instance, will we lose all the work we have done/published on projects, or will it remain intact? The build jobs and pipe…
Can the Negotiated Required checkbox be renamed in RSSP?Summary: Hi, I see in Redwood/Responsive SSP, Create Noncatalog Request, an option to enable the Negotiation Required flag checkbox. Can it be renamed to something else …
Don't see the "commit after review" option in visual builder studio while publishingI could only see direct commit option, there is no commit after review option How can i get "commit after review" option?
Parent position code is not visible and Funded from existing position to make disable from redwoodSummary: Parent position code field is not visible in redwood page (Position page). I also tried to edit this page in VBS tool, even though the field is not visible unde…
Do we need procurement agent assigned to the requester to edit requisition in RSSP ?Summary: Do we need procurement agent assigned to the requester to edit requisition in RSSP ? If yes, do we need to purchase buyer license Requirement: User have access …
change approval group and pending approval documents without disruptionSummary: We need to update the approval groups in Oracle Fusion Cloud and ensure that the changes apply to existing requisitions. Specifically: How can we modify approva…Ariel Blanco 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Why is purchase requistion created witha $0.00 priceSummary My client tried to create an PR using the new RSSP he is asking as to why was it created wit 0 price Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…Mrigaank Sinha 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Attachment cannot have more than 1 Category in RSSP?Summary: Attachment cannot have more than 1 Category in RSSP? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Would like to reach out to you r…
RSSP: Requisition Details and Document History getting errorSummary: RSSP: Requisition Details and Document History getting error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, It's found that when a PR…
PR's status mapping between Classic PR and RSSP?Summary: PR's status mapping between Classic PR and RSSP? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Would like to reach out to you for a…
Enable the Responsive Version as the Default Self Service Procurement ApplicationSummary: Enable the Responsive Version as the Default Self Service Procurement Application? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, I …
Is "My Receipts (New)" required to pair with "Purchase Requisitions (New)"?Summary: Is "My Receipts (New)" required to pair with "Purchase Requisitions (New)"? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, May I ask…
PO Approval should be sent to MD of requester departmentSummary: Hello, We currently use a supervisory approval structure for Purchase Order (PO) approvals up to level 2. However, we need to implement a process where POs abov…
Restrict Attachments to Certain Users/RolesSummary: We have a requirement to restrict certain requisition and purchase order attachments to certain users or roles and I was thinking this could be achieved by crea…
RSSP- Negotiated checkbox and form personalization on Non catalog requisitionSummary: Its an requirement from our customers to introduce the Negotiated checkbox on non catalog requisition so that users can auto create the PO. Also, they want to m…Shalini Singh-Oracle 45 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Some errors don't validate straight away in RSSP RedwoodSummary: When raising a requisition in Redwood Responsive Self- Service Procurement, some fields when filled out will be lined red, to say there is in error in this fiel…
the search for item in Responsive Self Service Procurement doesn't workHi , I want create the purchase requisition with the search for item. But when I insert the item , the search doesn't work the item link to the Blanket purchase agreemen…Michela A. Morgillo 9 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to only have RSSP enabled?Summary: We have both procurement modules enabled in our test environment, but I am wanting only RSSP to be enabled for testing purposes. What steps need to be done so t…Denver Monteith 15 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Naresh Babu-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP - Advance search filter under RSSP 'My requisition' is not availableSummary: In RSSP when we search for a requisition entered by another user , we have to click on the filter 'Entered by' and then search for the User name by scrolling do…Shalini Singh-Oracle 65 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Robert Nagel Self Service Procurement