Category 150-2
Discussion List
VAT invoice hold when invoice submitted via supplier portalSummary: When supplier submits an invoice via Supplier Portal, this is being placed on tax hold. Invoice tax amount does not fall within range. Invoice tax amount is not…
How to send business expiring notification to Category Manager?Summary: Hello All Need Help, Business needs a report for Category Managers that helps them identify Vendors with nearly expired Certificates (30 days or less) and Recei…
how to edit/customize supplier registration page (Redwood)Hi, We want to edit the supplier registration page and want to make some of the fields as mandatory on the form, as sandbox not work on the supplier registration page, h…
Query Supplier contact name based on Job titleSummary: Where to extract supplier contact name based on job title Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am creating a data model using SQL to…
terms and Conditions for Supplier Portal usage by Supplier usersSummary: We have a new S2P Implementation and the Client Business wants to know if there is a list of terms and Conditions that are applicable to Supplier Portal usage. …
How to change default theme colors for Redwood - Supplier RegistrationSummary: How to change default redwood colors - Supplier Registration - Verification Page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…
We need to the ability to create more than one vendor for one part.Summary: How we need to the ability to create more than one vendor for one part. Ideally, we would like the system allowing up to ~5 suppliers per part, with a supplier …Somasundaram G-Oracle 14 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Somasundaram G-Oracle Supplier Management
How to create different rules for Verification page based on link (Spend or Prospective)Summary: On the Verification page there is a need to create a different description / texts and links to: Prospective Supplier Registration URL Spend Authorized Supplier…
Redwood External Supplier RegistrationSummary: Initially, Oracle released the notes stating the Next Generation supplier would be mandatory in 25A release. Classic/Old version would not work anymore n 25A. N…DavidOliveiraPeloton 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by DavidOliveiraPeloton Supplier Management
Need to Update Existing Supplier Name but Keep Reference to Legacy Name on Old TransactionsSummary: Through normal course of business, suppliers will undergo name changes. However, if we update the name of the supplier on the vendor record, it will update all …
How can Internal user send link to supplierSummary: system should be able to allow Internal user request new supplier registration by enter email and company name. System will send link to supplier's email The li…
Why is Address not required for Create Supplier, but required for External Supplier Registration?Summary: We noticed that even though the Addresses line is marked as Required in 'Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change Request', the user is able to create…
Hide Business Classication in External supplier registration pageSummary: Is it possible to to remove Business classification in external supplier registration page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
How to identify paymentPartyId using REST APIsPlease provide sample payload to paymentPartyId
How to stop sending notification of business classificationSummary: We are using business classification for capturing supplier certificates. Configure Supplier Notification task has been configured to send suppliers notificatio…
FYI Notification sent to Supplier for Internal Supplier Change RequestsSummary: Is there an FYI notification sent to the supplier for every internal supplier change requests triggered by the supplier administrators in Oracle? Content (pleas…
Usage of email field available at Supplier addressSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, On the supplier address page, there is a field for email. What is the purpose of this fi…Anshul Rana 49 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Tomoyuki Hyakutake-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier Address REST API is giving 403 forbidden errorSummary: Hi , When trying to create Supplier Address with Rest API its giving below 403 Forbidden Error fscmRestApi/resources/…pavan.vinjamuri 38 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by David Wright - More4apps Supplier Management
Supplier Bank Account Field only allows 11 Digits for Mexico Suppliers bank accountWhen the supplier bank country is Mexico, Oracle only allows an 11-digit bank account number, whereas we need to input a 12-digit bank account number. To work around thi…
Function of (PER_PRC_MANAGE_SUPPLIER_ACTION_PLAN_TASKS_BY_SUPPLIER_PRIVSummary: Could you please help us understand the functionality and navigation of the below privilege and provide us with any reference documents for testing? Manage Supp…
How to restrict DFF on supplier header to be unique value only?Summary: Hi, I have a requirement to pass unique value to DFF on supplier header. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a DFF field on …
Create supplier site for 2 business units from one external linkI have 2 BUs and when I register as a supplier i want to have site created for 2 BUs together. Is there a way?
Supplier Registration can upload file PDF, Image, Word document, Excel, text, PowerpointSummary: Supplier Registration can upload file PDF, Image, Word document, Excel, text, Power point Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version…
Demote supplier from Spend Authorised to ProspectiveSummary: User would like to demote a supplier from spend authorized to prospective. Is this requirement feasible? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Supplier Profile Failing in ImportSupplier Profile Failing in Import Due to the Following reason- You must enter the additional name attribute
When Supplier site assignment, client BU and company do not matchWhen Supplier site assignment, company and client BU do not match, Can the system provide error prompts?
Extending the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration PagesSummary: Extending the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration Pages Content (required): This post explains how to use Visual Builder to extend the new suppli…Piyush Singh-Oracle 15.1K views 262 comments 15 points Most recent by Amruta Isukapalli Supplier Management
Setting Up Project and Workspaces in VB Studio to Extend Next Generation Supplier Registration PagesSummary: In our post Extending the Next Generation Supplier Self-Service Registration Pages, we provided steps using which you can extend the next generation supplier se…Piyush Singh-Oracle 3.8K views 52 comments 5 points Most recent by Amruta Isukapalli Supplier Management
Invoices processed via the Supplier Portal are all showing as Tax Exempt in errorInvoices processed via the Supplier Portal are all showing as Tax Exempt in error. The Supplier's tax classification is set to Standard and the Purchase order iss also s…
Need some Clarification on mandatory fields coming in Redwood pageSummary: Currently we are implementing redwood Supplier Registration for one of our client. Client raised below points, can you please help us on this. In Redwood Suppli…Veeranarayana Swamy-Oracle 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Veeranarayana Swamy-Oracle Supplier Management