Category 150
Discussion List
VAT invoice hold when invoice submitted via supplier portalSummary: When supplier submits an invoice via Supplier Portal, this is being placed on tax hold. Invoice tax amount does not fall within range. Invoice tax amount is not…
Combine Repeated Approval-Supplier Registration - ApprovalSummary: Supplier Registration - Approval Issue of "Combine Repeated Approvals" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For supplier registration …
how to edit/customize supplier registration page (Redwood)Hi, We want to edit the supplier registration page and want to make some of the fields as mandatory on the form, as sandbox not work on the supplier registration page, h…
Is it possible to create a satisfaction survey when receiving services?We created an inspection in Quality Management for associates receiving services would evaluate it by responding four simple questions. The users find it complicated to …
How to change default theme colors for Redwood - Supplier RegistrationSummary: How to change default redwood colors - Supplier Registration - Verification Page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…
How to create different rules for Verification page based on link (Spend or Prospective)Summary: On the Verification page there is a need to create a different description / texts and links to: Prospective Supplier Registration URL Spend Authorized Supplier…
Privilege required for approving Spend AuthorizationWe have custom roles built and as such, have a custom role for Supplier Manager. We'd like to add the privilege for anyone with our custom Supplier Manager role to appro…
Is it possible to default the Project Expenditure Org based on the Project Owning OrgSummary: When creating requisitions, users can add Project details. In our scenarios, only the Project Owning Organisation cost centre should be used as the cost centre …
How can Internal user send link to supplierSummary: system should be able to allow Internal user request new supplier registration by enter email and company name. System will send link to supplier's email The li…
Mandatory Redwood features not implemented along with 25ASummary: As per Oracle documentation, certain Redwood features deemed mandatory along with the 25A release cannot be accessed after pods have been upgraded to 25A. Follo…
Approval of supplier change requestHello. In "Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change Request", I set the "Contacts" column to "Approval Required". But when I added a contact address to the con…
FYI Notification sent to Supplier for Internal Supplier Change RequestsSummary: Is there an FYI notification sent to the supplier for every internal supplier change requests triggered by the supplier administrators in Oracle? Content (pleas…
Supplier Bank Account Field only allows 11 Digits for Mexico Suppliers bank accountWhen the supplier bank country is Mexico, Oracle only allows an 11-digit bank account number, whereas we need to input a 12-digit bank account number. To work around thi…
Internal Supplier regd - the requester is not receiving FYI notification post registration approvalSummary: the requesterbof the internal registration and the supplier administrators are not receiving FYI notification post internal registration approval Content (pleas…
Need to have a different GRN sequencing for GRN's created after work confirmation gets approvedSummary: The ask from business is to have a customised sequence for Receipts (GRN) which are created automatically by system once a Work confirmation for a PO is created…
Function of (PER_PRC_MANAGE_SUPPLIER_ACTION_PLAN_TASKS_BY_SUPPLIER_PRIVSummary: Could you please help us understand the functionality and navigation of the below privilege and provide us with any reference documents for testing? Manage Supp…
How to restrict DFF on supplier header to be unique value only?Summary: Hi, I have a requirement to pass unique value to DFF on supplier header. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a DFF field on …
Supplier Profile Failing in ImportSupplier Profile Failing in Import Due to the Following reason- You must enter the additional name attribute
Allocation rule for child values of different ParentsSummary: We would like to create allocations to several child departments that currently exist under their own parent. Example: Parent 400 - Child 4001,4002 and other pa…
Extending the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration PagesSummary: Extending the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration Pages Content (required): This post explains how to use Visual Builder to extend the new suppli…Piyush Singh-Oracle 15.1K views 262 comments 15 points Most recent by Amruta Isukapalli Supplier Management
Setting Up Project and Workspaces in VB Studio to Extend Next Generation Supplier Registration PagesSummary: In our post Extending the Next Generation Supplier Self-Service Registration Pages, we provided steps using which you can extend the next generation supplier se…Piyush Singh-Oracle 3.8K views 52 comments 5 points Most recent by Amruta Isukapalli Supplier Management
Invoices processed via the Supplier Portal are all showing as Tax Exempt in errorInvoices processed via the Supplier Portal are all showing as Tax Exempt in error. The Supplier's tax classification is set to Standard and the Purchase order iss also s…
Setup SSO for i-Supplier portal on Oracle fusionSummary: How to setup sso for isupplier portal in oracle fusion? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usin…
How To Make Taxpayer ID Mandatory on Supplier Create Screen?Summary: There is a requirement to make the Taxpayer ID field mandatory for suppliers. Doc ID 2189091.1 has been followed to achieve the requirement. However, upon testi…
DFF was missing in the supplier registration Portal - RedwoodSummary: Hello, After the upgrade of the Redwood the DFF was missing, but it was there in the older version. This is in the supplier registration portal. Even i tried to…
leveraging Supplier Registration Redwood Page FunctionalitySummary: Feasibility on leveraging Supplier Registration Redwood Page Functionality in a standalone VBCS app. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Bulk update of supplier bank account currency codeSummary: Is there a workaround or alternative options available for performing a mass update to remove the currency code from the supplier's bank account? Content (pleas…
Redwood External supplier registration page customization using visual builderSummary: Redwood External supplier registration page customization using visual builder Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Business Requireme…
How to map multiple supplier products and services to single procurement categorySummary: We have a requirement where we need to map multiple supplier Products and Services to the same item category (Purchasing category). Content (please ensure you m…
SSO for External SuppliersSummary: Requirement is to customize the URL for supplier portal which can be then shared to supplier users (external) . Customer want to maintain separate URL for Inter…