Category 163
Discussion List
Why Do Only One Resource Instance Appear When Reporting a Resource Transaction in a Work Order?In Oracle Fusion Cloud, I created a resource with three resource instances and assigned it to a standard operation. Then, I created a work definition using this standard…
Is there any way to export all the electronic signature record and related attachments from oracle.Hello All, Client wants to keep a local level data backup of all the electronic approval records and generated ERES PDF's because of business requirements. Is there any …
With the new feature of Multiple outputs in Discrete WO, difference between Discrete vs Process WO?In 24C , new feature : to enable multiple outputs in discrete work definition, what will be core difference between using Process Manufacturing or Discrete manufacturing…
Configure BPM Work Definition Approval based on Item Life CycleSummary: We are facing a challenge in routing Work Definitions for approval in BPM. Our goal is to route "Item Work Definitions" to a specific approval group based on th…
Mass Edit Work Orders- Production Scheduling 25A FeatureSummary: Hi Team, We have this new 25A feature in Production Scheduling "Mass Edit Work Orders" where we have the ability to mass edit certain attributes in the work ord…MMA27305 40 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by M. Bolsinger-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to Complete Multiple Serialized Units with Complete With DetailsSummary: Unable to Complete Multiple Serialized Units with Complete With Details at Work Order Completion Content (required): When a WO for a serialized unit has multipl…
How to split automatically product completion quantity into multiple lot numbersWe use pre-assign lots in our work order, for which we declared multiple lot numbers. Once we reach the final operation and have to do the product completion, we expect …Alexandre Chea-Oracle 19 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexandre Chea-Oracle Manufacturing
what is the significance of additional attributes on standard operation in Manufacturing cloud?Summary: what is the significance of additional attributes (Reason for Repair Code, Repair Transaction Code, Work to be Accomplished Code) on standard operation in Manuf…
Issue components to work order in different UOM than primary UOMSummary: Business wants to issue components to work order in different UOM then primary unit of measure. Please suggest for any work around solution Content (please ensu…
OSP Item has Inventory Item Flag as NO but Product Type on PO Line is GoodsSummary: OSP Item has Inventory Item Flag as NO but Product Type on PO Line is Goods Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In the PIM setup, the…
How to add ad-hoc outputs during discrete non standard work order?Summary: Is it possible to add ad-hoc outputs on Non Standard Discrete work order? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ve…
Link work orders through a relationshipHi, we have a requirement to create the lower level sub assemblies Manufacturing Work order from the Finished good Work order and linking it's immediate parent Work orde…
What is use case of creating workstation which has been introduced in 24CSummary: What is use case of creating workstation which has been introduced in 24C Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Team, I want to underst…
Can system stamp work order number on the Contract manufacturing POHi Does system stamp work order number on the Contract manufacturing PO ? Where thiscan be seen on PO ? Requirement: As contract manufacturer will have access to "suppli…
Adding the Output of a Previous Operation as Input in Another Operation of the Same Work DefinitionHere is the requirement We want to use the output of a previous operation 10 as input for the next operation- 20 within the same Work Definition. We are receiving the be…
CTO Item Quality inspectionSummary: Quality inspection is not getting invoked when quality inspection plan defined at Model item Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We h…
We need to Pick Raw Materials/Components in Whole Numbers instead of Fractions for a Work OrderSummary: We need to Pick Raw Materials/Components in Whole Numbers instead of Fractions for a Work Order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): A…
Can we implement a Cycle Count Adjustment Approval Hierarchy based on adjustment amounts?Summary: Currently the application allows only single approver for Cycle Count Adjustment. Is it possible to have a Cycle Count adjustment Approval Hierarchy (like i.e. …
Work Order Not Auto Completing when supplier operation added as last operationWhen OSP operation are added as last operation and FG and Components are Lot Controlled work order, Work order completion is not automated after OSP purchase order recei…
EBS Manufacturing Fusion SCM cloud manufacturing comparison?Is there any deck that compares EBS Manufacturing features against SCM Cloud MFG as part of Move to Cloud initiate for EBS customers? Are there any warbaord by module wi…
Print Preview -work order traveler reportSummary: We have a critical business requirement to be able to Print Preview Work Order Travel report before it can be submitted and printed Print Preview option for Wor…
REST API error in Operation TransactionSummary: Hi While completing work order , getting below error. "ErrorMessages": "The entered subinventory is invalid. The subinventory must be valid, active, and restric…
Some of the transactions are missing out in picking by BIP report, transactions missing in MWWe have transactions from manufacturing execution flowing from Oracle Fusion to MES and also warehouse system but MW is not receiving all transactions. Sometimes, transa…
Inquiry on Reversing Discrete Manufacturing Process for Bundled ItemsRequesting your insights on this matter.I have a question regarding our manufacturing process. Typically, a work order is used to combine several components into a finis…
Sys Date as Lot numberSummary: During lot generation along with Prefix and running sequence, System date should be included in the lot number Content (required): Hi All, We have a business re…
Popup or a warning message in Work Definition Creation Screen.Hi All, Greetings of the day. We have a requirement to do some validations or default the values while creating work definition. The data that we need to validate exists…
How to configure Plant Manager Dashboard in Manufacturing or Supply PlanningSummary: We want to explore and implement on how we can evaluate equipment efficiency in our manufacturing plant and perform capacity planning to reduce costs and increa…
Lot generation following business rulesSummary: For a special kind of manufactured finished good (that might be managed within a single inventory organization), our customer needs to generate different lot nu…Alexandre Chea-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Saahil Umratkar Inventory Management
Discrete Manufacturing- Unable to Add Scrap Material as By-Product in Work Definition (Redwood Page)Hi, In Discreate mfg, we're planning to bring scrap material as a By-product in our production process. Specifically, in the Redwood page under the Work Definition modul…
Why am i not seeing the drop down for supply subinventorySummary: Hello, All the orgs are setup and plant parameters are setup. I am trying to create a WC in Oracle manufacturing. But the supply subinventory drop down is not w…