Category 163
Discussion List
Pop up message when Review Dispatch listIs it possible via Sandbox/setup to pop up a Custom message or dialog box when the User clicks on the expand button (highlighted in screenshot below) in the Review Dispa…
Is there an API for reserving all work order components?Requirement: we would pass the work order number and the API should create reservations for all the components.Shravan Kumar-acc 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
Work Order Confirm Pick Slip - Not allowing to SPLIT Pick line for Lot controlled itemsSummary: We are encountering issues with partially picking and confirming a line for a Work Order component if it is lot-controlled. This process works correctly for non…
Is there a way to upload Resource Transactions for Process WO using FBDISummary: We need to bulk upload the Resources Consumed on a Process work order. But somehow we are unable to do using the WorkOrderResourceTransactionTemplate.xlsm Conte…
How to put Work Order on Hold automatically when an operation is completed?Summary: We have a requirement that a future operation in the Work Order which is not yet started be kept on hold. We need to understand how to achieve this. Is there a …
What event triggers a change in the date of the work definition in the work order?Summary: A work order was created with a start date of 06/20/24 10:37 AM, however, the definition date has a future date “07/5/24 10:59 PM” (a date that we do not explai…
Multiple Transform Work Definition of a product -Discrete ManufacturingWe have a requirement to have multiple transform work definition of a product A. System allowing to have feature of WD version but not allowing to change the "Transform …Salman Khan-195441 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Radhakrishnan Angappan-Oracle Manufacturing
Calculate Material Availability Program is taking a long time to runSummary: Calculate Material Availability Program is taking a long time to run. It sometimes takes up to 7 minutes to run and blocking other programs. It is also showing …
How to restrict access to change Work Order status?Summary: We have a requirement that some users shouldnt have access to move the status of a Work Order from On Hold back to Released. It would be done by the supervisors…
Process manufaturing support back to backOur customer follows process manufacturing process along with MTO (make to order) process. As per fusion functionality ( 24 B & 24 C) Back-to-back flow is currently supp…Suman Lodh-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Radhakrishnan Angappan-Oracle Manufacturing
Resources assigned to work DefinitionScreenshot attached below is from Resource assignment to Work Definition. Do we have any Oracle documentation link which mentions the functionality of each field here in…
Default complete Quantity to '0' in Review Dispatch listWork Order - Review Dispatch List is defaulting the remaining qty to complete. Is there any setup/customization to default the value as '0' and not the Qty to complete
The process Roll up Costs has completed. Warning: Errors or warnings reported.Summary: The process Roll up Costs xxxxx has completed. Warning: Errors or warnings reported. Review the View Scenario Exceptions page to resolve these errors. Content (…
How to change production priority in work order based on reservationSummary: Consider, in manufacturing unit, work order will be prioritised based on the reservations. For eg, In a work order - reservation scenario, if Reservation flag -…Shyam Ganesh Parthasarathi-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Raj C -Oracle Manufacturing
Unable to search work order through Document number parameter in Manger Work Order UISummary: We are trying to search work orders reserved against document number, however, when a work order reserved to another work order we could not able to search thro…
How to change time zone on Electronic SignatureSummary: How to change time on electronic record for Quality Inspection, it shows in UTC need it to be eastern. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
How can a user be authorized to visualize items without the authorization to modify anything?A user with the role "Product Manager" is authorized to read articles and automatically also authorized to modify them, and I would like to know if there are any possibi…
AI for Production Anomaly Detection and Predictive MaintenanceHi Team, Can you please provide the documents or videos for below AI features in manufacturing. Production Anomaly Detection Predictive Maintenance
The REST API is failing to retrieve the lot details for a work orderSummary: Hi Team, We use this API to obtain the lot number: https://{pod}:443/fscmRestApi/resources/{WO ID}/child/WorkOrderLotNumber. However, thi…
How to setup 2 Suppliers for Outside Processing OperationHow to Setup 2 Suppliers on an Outside Processing Operation in Fusion? Let's say supplier A’s completed process and drop ships parts to Supplier B, but supplier B might …
Outside Processing Work order shipment not generated and shows PO Approved as zeroSummary: We are stuck with an outside processing Work Order in which the supplier operation is not showing the shipment. There is no shipment line generated as well and …
Basis Type to be defaulted as Fixed based on specific item in work definitionSummary: Hi in a work definition, whenever we add items as input items, the basis type is defaulted as Variable. But there as some items which are dies used in business …
Why inactive items are available (appearing still) to be added in the work definitions ?Item has been made inactive by users as they don't want to use it any more. But in the work definition, in the process of adding input items, we could still see the inac…
Bom Structure total quantity required in reportHi Folks, Need your attention! Creating a BOM report for which we are displaying the component items and their related component quantity in all the level of the BOM, bu…Adinarayana Rao 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Can we restrict access to work center using DFF?Summary: We have requirement to assign specific work center to specific user can it be restricted using the work center access using DFF How to assign this DFF in a spec…
Is Planning Central bundled together with Manufacturing Cloud?Summary: Without licensing supply planning cloud, can we use planning central and is planning central bundled with Manufacturing or any Supply Chain Execution module. My…
Require configuration at work order levelSummary: Our requirement is to have configuration functionality at work order level not at sales order level. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…Vaidhyanathan Veerappan 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Vaidhyanathan Veerappan Manufacturing
Documentation about new feature Smart Operation in Manufacturing cloudSummary: Documentation about new feature Smart Operation We would like to know if product demo new feature video or training replay or any kind of documentation is avail…
How to change an existing operation code to another Operation code in a process work definitionSummary: What are the correct steps to be followed if we want to change an operation code to an another operation code through FBDI. Currently this operation also has so…
Miscellaneous resource type in cloud MFGSummary: In EBS we had Miscellaneous Resource type which we used to Map for the queue time used in the routing ? How we can achieve this MFG cloud for the setup time req…