Category 169-2
Discussion List
How to migrate Orders which are shipped & paused for billing to a new BU (shipped in old BU)Summary: How to migrate Orders which are shipped & paused for billing (shipped in old BU) to a new BU Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Dear…
Can't get the Redwood Responsive Self-Service Receiving tile to appearSummary: We are trying to test and look into implementing Redwood Responsive Self-Service Receiving We can't seem to get the 'My Receipts (New)' Navigation to appear in …
Disabling the Ship Confirm Button on the Manage Shipments Page via Sandbox Personalization .Hi Team, We are attempting to disable the "Ship Confirm" button on the Manage Shipments page. The button should be enabled for users when all lines in the shipment have …
Make one dff required by conditioning it on another dff (Check Box)Hi everyone, we created two decriptive flexfields (ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE2) in the same flexfields code. ATTRIBUTE 1 has display type ="Check Box". We would like to make …
How to cancel Return Transfer OrderIs there any way we can cancel "Return Transfer Order" which is generated thru "Return Receipts" against original Transfer Order? Please let me know.
Transfer of Items between 2 BUsSummary: Hi Experts, I want to understand how Inventory transactions can be done between two Inventory Organizations that belong to different Legal Entity and BUs. For e…SubbuV 312 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Abilash papisetty Supply Chain Financial Orchestration
How to create Transfer order from Sales order for internal material Transfer instead of IRTO processWe would like to create Transfer order with zero price from Sales order for internal material Transfer instead of internal requisition and Transfer Order process. Intern…
Ability to Ship available components for Kit and PTO items while the Shipping ParametersSummary: Ability to Ship available components for Fixed Kit and PTO items while the Shipping Parameter Ship Set Behavior set to Error. We have observed a limitation that…
Shipping module limits revision to 3 characters, while PIM allows more - How?Summary: We are encountering a 'Revision' limit error during the ship confirmation process in Oracle. The item in question has more than 3 characters in the Revision in …
cycle count Adjustment value showing as blankSummary: Adjustment value is showing as blank in 'Approve Count Sequences' page even when there is difference in Count Qty and Primary suggested Qty. Content (please ens…Akancha Sinha 53 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Maruthupandiyan Velayutham-Oracle Inventory Management
Serial Tracked is not editable in Work Order even the Assembly is Serial ControlledSummary: we have an issue during the WO creation, Serial Numbers tab is not enabled, and when observed that Work definition is not enabled "Serial tracked" which is not …Devivaraprasad Panda-Oracle 2 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shrikant Bhavsar Inventory Management
Restrict receiving transaction using SQL PredicateSummary: My client has implemented three steps receiving (receiving, inspection, put-away). Each way is performed by different users. Can I restrict the list of the rece…Giuseppe Galluzzo 34 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Anjana Das-Oracle Inventory Management
Where in Oracle Fusion you can change the inventory item unit priceAn item unit price was incorrectly setup by a user about 2 years ago. We now want to amend the unit price. What screen/page in Oracle fusion do you navigate to make such…Sheldon Toussaint - TSTT Consultant 52 views 28 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Inventory Management
Transfer Order lines not getting invoicedHi, We are facing an issue where Intercompany Transfer Order Lines are not getting invoiced. On completing the shipment and receipt for the Transfer Order, the lines are…
Item shows on transfer order but does not appear on min/maxSummary: item did not show up on the Min-Max report that I printed even though it is on the TO. I checked to see if I had this item set up wrong but it doesn’t look like…
Not able to receive Transfer Order or Purchase order using Mobile InventorySummary: Trying to receive goods for a PAR location using mobile inventory but order number is not appearing saying we couldn't find matches. Able to receive through nor…
Not all Inventory destination PO are available to rcv in Mobile Inventory - Receive Items screenSummary: Not all open PO with destination type inventory is displayed for receipt creation under Receive Items page, getting the error "We couldint find any matches". Th…
Multiple issues in Operator Workbench in Smart OperationsSummary: Hi Experts, After doing all the setups for the operator workbench, when I try to select the workstations, I am not able to find any values in the workstation LO…
The attribute INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is missing for service getProductRelationShip while creating orderHi Oracle Experts, I'm trying to execute the "Oracle Salesforce ERP Opportunity to Order" recipe through SOAP and getting below error: The attribute INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is…
Any documents on Oracle cloud SCM Data Migration Recommendations and Best PracticesWe have this document for "Oracle Cloud ERP Data Migration Recommendations and Best Practices" which covers FIN, HCM, ERP modules. But I am looking for similar document …
Can the SKU inherit the org assignments from the style item?Summary: I am trying to find a way for the SKU item to inherit all the org assignments and the catalogs from the style item. Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…Larry Sherrod 15 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sitanshu-Oracle Product Master Data Management
We would like to make charge account read only for certain users based on roles using Visual BuilderSummary: For that we would like to use visual builder instead of Page composer but we don't know if that is possible and how to do it. Could you advise? Content (please …
Can someone let me know if this the correct material sorting criteria for FIFO?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
In Landed Cost Management the POs are not getting displayed to create the Trade OperationSummary: In LCM not able to find the POs in the Review Purchase order for Landed Cost, after the Prepare Material purchase order data scheduled process is completed succ…
Can we control the "Allow Routing Override" parameter only for a certain type of orders?Summary: In "Manage Receiving Parameters" there is a flag called "Allow Routing Override". The requirement is to allow this parameter only for a certain type of orders (…Akshay R K 15 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alina Tola–Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Can a Movement request pick slip be sorted by locator?Summary: We use a Pick Slip Grouping rule to create our pick slips grouped by subinventory but would like them then sorted by locator within the picking slip. Is there a…
Automatic recording of inventory in Physical counting processSummary: Hi Gurus. Wanted to check on option if there is any possibility of automating the recording of inventory consumptions based on physical counts to reduce manual …Mangesh Shastri 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alina Tola–Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Mandatory Redwood features in Oracle Fusion starting 25BWhat all Redwood features are going to be mandatory starting 25B in the below Oracle Modules Inventory Management Order Management Manufacturing (Work Execution, Work De…
OF-Not able to edit or check 'Notify external systems' in Edit status rule set-Orchestration processSummary: Oracle Fusion SCM-Not able to select 'Notify external system' column fields in Edit status rules path: Set and maintenance—>Task Search—>Manage orchestration de…
Shipping Cost for Transfer Order and Sales Order In Ship Confirmation PageSummary: Need to Enter the shipping cost at Ship Confirmation for Transfer Order and Sales Order. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …