Category 169
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Back to Back Order Fulfillment for dual sourcing - Make and Buy 50% split Rank 1 ?Summary: Back to Back Order Fulfillment for dual sourcing - Make and Buy 50% split Rank 1 ? Content (required): I have setup an item - back to back enabled and also conf…
Any functionality available to automatically create FA upon Sales of the Items from InventorySummary: Use case is to be able to track the item in Inventory, Based upon a Sale or (possibly a special transaction type) as a rental items, customer would want to auto…
Mass Cancellation of ASNSummary: Any way to filter ASN's and mass Cancel the filtered ASN's. Content (required): Any way to filter ASN's and mass Cancel the filtered ASN's. Version (include the…Jenson Samuel-Oracle 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
How to have the system reserve inventory by Expiration dateSummary: I have updated Lot Contol on an SKU. I currently have two lots on hand for the item, with two different expiration dates. When creating a pick wave the system i…
Defaulting SubInventory and LocatorSummary: Hi Team, We want to Default the SubInventory and Locator in the Create Inter-Organization Transfer screen for an Item. We have also setup the Item Transaction D…Karthik Dara-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by sugunabhi ram kosuru-Oracle Inventory Management
Automatic Cycle Count Schedule & Count Sequence Not generatingSummary: Automatic Cycle Count Schedule & Count Sequence Not generating. Everything works correctly if we manually generate count schedule & generate count sequence Do w…
Reservation GranularitySummary: The lowest level of Granularity Content (required): Hi, What is the lowest level where we can do reservations in Oracle Fusion. The client has implemented Oracl…
Is there a way to restrict the users from overriding the default subinventory while receiving in InvSummary: Is there a way to restrict the users from overriding the default subinventory while receiving Content (required): There is a requirement where the client wants …Shagaf Hasnain-Oracle 32 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Create Pick Wave: Release Now/Add to Release ScheduleSummary: Hi, while creating a pick wave, there are 2 options to proceed: Release Now and Add to Release Schedule, but both of them release at the moment the pick wave, t…Jacinto Rodriguez-Oracle 32 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Vignesh Rajendhiran-Oracle Inventory Management
How to enable export to excel option on Manage Item QuantitiesHow to enable export to excel option on Manage Item Quantities
Does Budgetary Funds Check can be enabled for Internal material transfer based Requisitions?Summary: Does Budgetary Funds Check can be enabled for Internal material transfer based Requisitions? Content (required): Does Budgetary Funds Check can be enabled for I…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Is there any limit to how many different subinventories can be in one inventory organization?Summary: Hi Experts, Is there any limit to how many different subinventories can be in one inventory organization? Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
How to hold back extra cycle counting stock till it is approved?Summary: Content (required): For our client Ma'aden we have implemented hierarchical approval (4 level) for cycle counting and it may take some time to get the cycle cou…
How can I return a service?Summary: What is the alternative for doing corrections to a service-type line that was already received? Content (required): I know that the system won't allow to return…
Is it possible to perform receiving and inventory transactions for the Pack Items POs, in Base UOMs?Summary: For Quantity UOM Class, we intend to have- Base UOM- Each, and all required intra-class quantity UOM conversions. We are in process of transitioning legacy (non…Yashodhan Mahajan 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
How to set Approval for Cycle count in oracle cloudSummary: Is it possible to have a Cycle Count adjustment Approval Hierarchy. If it is yes please provide me the solution how to configure in the application Content (req…arunkumar pemmanaboiyana-Oracle 71 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
How to perform nested packing of shipments in Oracle Fusion (ERP).Hi. I am working on Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP application, Inventory Management. There is a way we pack the shipments into a packing unit. Maybe a small box for example. I…
Inventory ReservationSummary: Knowledge: At what all points and places from and when reservation on item does occur? Content (required): At what all points and places from and when reservati…
Creating multiple users in fusionDear Experts, I need some inputs regarding users creation in fusion. I understand this may not be the right category to post but I couldn't find any category related thi…
Unable to find BICC PVO for Item EFF informationSummary: Unable to find BICC PVO for Item EFF information, we are looking for this data to share the extract with a Third Party. Content (required): Version (include the…Sagunthala Anbazhagan 151 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Magesh Kesavapillai-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Do we have the ability to specify to not create accruals if receipt is older than 120 days in OracleSummary: Do we have the ability to specify to not create accruals if receipt is older than 120 days in Oracle Fusion Receipt Accounting Content (required): E.g: 3-way PO…
Making ASN attribute mandatory during ReceivingDear Team, I want to make the ASN attribute mandatory at the time of performing Receive Expected Shipments -> Receive -> Create Receipts. I tried through Page Customizat…
How to register a Supplier Serial Number at Receipt for Non Inventory item?Summary: To register supplier serial numbers at receipts for non-inventory fixed assets items, can this only be done by DFF or can it be treated the same at receipt as a…
API to fetch Available to Reserve Qty. of an ItemSummary: Is there an API available that can be used to fetch the Available to Reserve qty. of an item with lot number breakdown? Content (required): Items are lot contro…
Parent child Item Relationship Buying and SellingWe have business Use case where Client is buying in different Item Code and Selling in Different Item Code Lets Say, we are buying from supplier as Box and it Contains 1…
How to create PAR replenishment transfer orders with destination type as 'Expense'?Summary: How to create PAR replenishment transfer orders with destination type as 'Expense'? Content (required): Currently, the destination type is defaulting to 'Invent…
Correct Receipts - Full QuantityDear Experts, At the time of performing Correct Receipts task in Inventory, customer wants to do a correction for entire quantity. The system currently doesn't allow thi…
Implementing Cycle counting hierarchical approvalSummary: For our client Ma'aden, we have a requirement of hierarchical approval based on adjustment value for cycle counting. Since this is not supported out of the box …
Block Orders the Store cannot FulfilSummary: The inventory team would like to stop an end-user from placing an order (Internal Material Transfer - in requisitions) when there is not enough stock in the sto…Sharne Thysse 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Is the Fixed lot size multiplier field in PIM and Fixed lot multiplier in Item Sub inventory sameIn this scenario, the client does not have item subinventories so in order to set up round re-order quantity functionality for min-max planning that is set at the organi…