Category 170
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what is the source in account rules for a receiving organziation?Hello, I have the following scenario: Org 1 is creating an internal requisition from Org X and Org 2 also is creating an internal requisition from Org X. In the account …
Why DCOGS not generated in case of Project related Sales Order Issue and why COGS not get generated?Summary: Why DCOGS not generated in case of Project related Sales Order Issue and why COGS not get generated? Or if its generated , kindly correct the understanding Cont…
Can receipt accruals be written off for a partial quantity?Summary: In Receipt Accounting it seems that when selects an open receipt accrual for adjustment one can only write off the full receipt/quantity and not partial quantit…Thomas Buechler 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
How to update Period Costing Account Balances by Supporting References Report balances?Summary: Hi Guru, based on the Oracle update readiness document it is possible to adjust the "Period Costing Account Balances by Supporting References Report" by adjusti…
Resource Rate show different value after decimal than what is loaded using Cost Scenario.Summary: For example- user have loaded the Resource Rate as 0.006525. While checking the Resource Rate (Using Manage Resource Rate page), application shows the 'Total Ra…
Need SQL Query behind Work Order Detailed Balances ScreenSummary: we are looking for a SQL query behind Work Order Detailed Balances Screen, Please help. much focusing on a link between work order and scenario. Content (please…
Landed cost and layer costingSummary: We have the below business requirements Use the landed cost module Use distinct natural account per cost components for accounting and tracking the cost Track t…
Resource Rate / Overhead Rate - Cost Management - RedWood PagesSummary: As a part of transitioning to RedWood User Interface, in Cost Management we have looked at the available Resource Rate and Standard Overhead Rate Pages by enabl…
Cost Rollup basis when the FG has With WDefns 2 Orgs which are under single Cost Org & Valn MethodSummary: Under single Cost organization, We have 2 Inventory orgs PLANT-A and PLANT-B . Valuation structure is at Cost Org-Inv Org level. There is a single Asset Valuati…
In actual costing sales order pick transaction is changing the cost of the itemHello We are working on actual costing method. And noticed that sales order pick transactions are also changing the item unit cost Like earlier at 3.21 PM WIP product co…
Accounting Overhead Costing Rules Effectivity :Summary: 1.Client has a requirement to change the rates mid of the period and it should be effective which is not happening currently. Client attaches the rules to their…
Transactions impact WAC costingSummary: What are the various transaction types that would impact weighted/perpetual average cost apart from receipt transactions? Per Oracle documentation, receipt woul…
Why are there different costing layers on a return to supplier against a PO when we use actual cost?Summary: For item 11121: We brought in conversion 7 at 15.19 each. There was a movement request for 4 that depleted inventory 4 @ 15.19 Then there was a receipt for 20 o…
Accounted Date of Costing is not same as GL Accounting DateCosted Date: Accounting Date of GL: Expectation is to have both the dates same.Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 50 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajat Dhingra-Oracle Costing
Distributions weren't created for COGS transactionsSummary: While creating cost accounting distributions, COGS transactions are not created for some sales order which are successfully shipped out from the warehouse. Why …
how Account Rule source Code Combination Identifier derive the account combination?Summary: In an Account Rule, if the source is set as Code Combination Identifier (CCID), how does it derive the account combination? In Resource Rate Variances account r…
No data coming from CST_SCENARIO_WORK_ORDERS Table, Required link between work order and scenarioSummary: We are looking for a link between work order and scenario for Work Order Detailed Balances screen. unable to find the link. Content (please ensure you mask any …
How to increment the cutoff date for scheduled program of Transfer Costs to Cost ManagementSummary: How to increment the cutoff date for scheduled program of Transfer Costs to Cost Management. Since this is a mandatory parameter, we want to ensure that the sys…
Unable to link 'Lookup Type' to Source 'Work Order SubType' in Manage Subledger App. trans. ObjectsSummary: Unable to link 'Lookup Type' to Source 'Work Order Subtype' in setup 'Manage Subledger Application Transaction Objects' Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
What account can be used to setup the mapping set for Exchange Variance Adjustment?To configure the mapping set for Exchange Variance Adjustment (receipt accounting), we need an account on the mappings output. What account can be used to setup the mapp…
How is extended Precision different from Precision and which modules does it impact?How is extended Precision different from Precision and which modules does it impact? We can see the change in the Item Cost representation ut do we see the change or doe…
Do we need to use Landed Cost and SCFO to model this?Summary: Hello All, I need to show a scenario where the customer does Sell from one org (Org 1 takes order), but ships the product from another org (org 2). So there is …Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle Costing
Receipt Accounting - How to stop accrual journals being created when Project CIP items are receivedSummary: In Receipt Accounting, how can we prevent accrual journals from being created, when goods are being received for Capital Project CIP transactions? We do not wan…
Is it available to create a new field in the "Manage Charge Invoice Associations" task?Summary: Is it available to create a new field in the "Manage Charge Invoice Associations" task? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (…Karen Benavides 9 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing
How to hardcode Expense-to-Expense Inter-Org Transaction Account so both lines use the default code?Summary: We have a client requirement for which they need to perform Expense to Expense Inter-Org transactions and they need both Expense Lines in Cost Accounting to sho…
Do we have an option to upload attachments/supporting documents in Entering Budgets in SpreadsheetSummary: Business requires to be able to attach supporting documents in the page Review Budget Entries such that they can be able to show approved budget is what has bee…
query to get data Effective Cost Date from Review Item CostSummary: I’m currently struggling to retrieve information from the Review Item Cost to obtain the 'Effective Cost Date'. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
What is maximum commit limit we can set in create cost distributionHi Currently, we have set the transaction limit at 50,000. However, we have encountered some issues with certain transactions not being processed due to this limit. To a…
Review cost accounting distribution - some transactions are 'Not processed' others are fully costedUnable to close costing period for October 2024. My client has multiple costing periods open to perform some older transactions. We now tried closing the October 2024 pe…
How to override account rules based on warranty repair on maintenance work order?Summary: We would like to override the maintenance cost SLA based on whether it's a 'Warranty Repair' or not then to determine the accounting distribution. However we ca…