Category 170
Discussion List
cost of item automatically becomes zeroSummary: for a finished good item in a PAC organization, its cost becomes zero as seen in the inventory valuation form. Scenario *TRANSACTIONS DETAILS* Work in Process P…
Miscellaneous issue transaction NOT triggers cost variance classstock is negativeSummary: There are 2 cost organizations with the same internal configuration. Cost Method Perpetual average Process Negative Quantity Always Quantity De…
Define Accounting Overhead Rules based on Transaction Type, Cost Element, From and To organizationUse Case: Business wants to define Accounting Overhead Rules to record estimate charges based on Transaction Type, Cost Element, From and To organization. For example: 1…
is it possible to derive one of the COGS account segments based on the Customer Bill-To Site?Summary: is there a way to derive one of the COGS accounting combination segments based on the Customer Bill-To Site? Can an SLA customization accommodate this change? A…
Multiple rates for 1 resource and 1 instance in maintenanceHello, in Maintenance Management Module, I have the following scenario: Our client has multiple customers. He executes the same maintenance work orders while assigning t…
How to prevent currency conversion rate in the invoice to go and increase the item cost in inventorySummary: How do I prevent the currency conversion rate in the invoice from going and increasing the item cost in inventory knowing that I am using the actual costing met…
Accounting for price change in fusionSummary: Hi Team. Please help me with below accounting situation: Created a PO with 100 dollars Receipted and costed the transactions.It means Receipt Accounting: ReceIn…
Accrual clearing rule defined to automatically adjust remaining balances doesn't adjust balancesSummary: Hi, We create the following rule for Accrual clearing rule, because we want to use automatically For this I have created the below rules, but still those are no…
Trade Operation Charges Tax is zeroHello, I have an issue please. Calculated tax in Trade operation charges is zero, although I am choosing supplier with tax, and I checked the tax calculation, entered in…
Unable to find the item receipt for an item under Manage Cost Adjustments?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Transfer Order case, shipping org is Std costing & Rec. Org is Periodic, what cost it receives?Summary: In Transfer Order case, shipping org is Standard Costed & Receiving Org is Periodic Costed, what cost it receives material in Periodic cost org? Content (please…
How to Configure a Maintenance work order approver by using a descriptive flex field valueSummary: Client has a requirement to send maintenance work order for approval. We were able to do that through configuring rule in BPM. E-signature used for this and how…
Revenue Recognition Occuring in Third Party System. How to Handle COGS in Oracle?Summary: In case of our client, the revenue recognition is occuring in a 3rd party system called RevPro, so when SO is booked the information is transfered to RevPro and…
Aquisiton Cost Adjustment for Standard Cost Method->24D Mandate UpgradeSummary: Hi Team, We are using Standard Cost Method currently. The mandatory new feature-"The redesigned acquisition cost processor – released in Update 22D" Does this f…
How can I get a filter in Manage Charge Invoice Associations task to find a Trade Operation?Summary: We want to know if there is a possibility to have a filter to be able to search for a more specific Trade Operation? The business generates many Trade Operation…
Transfer Order Costing when Organizations use multiple CurrenciesSummary: Hello Experts, We are using Actual Costing and have enabled Transfer Orders between 2 multi currency Inventory Organizations. Ship-to Organization - Trinidad → …
How to separate the profit in inventory from item cost?Summary: We want to separate the profit, that is created when transfer order are received, from the item cost. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Wrong Invoice came for a bigger amount instead Original PO AmountWrong Invoice came for a bigger amount instead Original PO Amount Lets consider this scenario of Invoice Cancellations in the current period ( OCT -24) so business wante…
Costing for multiple Co-Product and By-products in Discrete Manufacturing for Actual CostingSummary: Hi Gurus. Below is the Scenario for multiple By-Product costing for Discrete Manufacturing for Actual Costing: Work Definition created for item as Primary Outpu…
Cost Accounting period does not existDear All, while performing Report material transaction in Maintenance system showing error that "You can not create transaction because the cost accounting period for tr…
Set Valuation Structure on specific vendorsThe client would like to know if it's possible to set up valuation structure on vendors. If not, is there any other way to do it?
How to disable or enable Mandatory fields in Search options ?Summary: How to disable or enable Mandatory fields in Search options ? Item field in Item Cost Search profile is mandatory field, earlier it was not. So how to disable t…
Costing scenario dateHello When we publish a cost scenario with a future start date and later attempt to publish a cost for the same item, where the new start date falls between the last use…
Return Receipt To Supplier API RESTSummary: Using api rest, Is there any api rest to do the same steps that I've listed? If so, Could you provide the apis an examples about how to consume it please? Conte…
Automation of Cost Period OpeningSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Experts Is there a way to Open Cost Period every month on certain date and time automatical…
PO which got interfaced to LCMSummary: There is one requirement from client, Do we have report in which we can get list of PO which has not interfaced to LCM or list of PO for which Trade operation i…
How are work order costs calculated for Co-Products in Discrete Manufacturing using actual CostingWork Order is created with input material and resource (say having total input costs of $100). We define a primary output and one co-product during work order creation, …
How many levels does cost roll up consider for phantom in oracle cloud?Summary: How many levels does cost roll up consider for phantom in oracle cloud? Content: We have an FG 101277, under which 111103 is phantom. This phantom has one compo…
How to extract all Journal Rule set with All associated Journal Rule Line & A/c Rule at once?Summary: How to extract all available Journal Rule set with All its associated Journal Rule Line and Account Combinations Rule at once? Currently i am able to export onl…
Accrual account is having balances in Oracle FusionHi Team, Business created a PO with 100 unit price for 1 quantity for example. Received one quantity and did accounting. now accrual and receiving inspection is 100. No …nithish_reddy_10 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing