Category 173
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How do I get count of items published by Product Hub Publication process for specific periodSummary: I would like to know how can I have count of items which is published by Product Hub Publication process for specific period Content (please ensure you mask any…
Assignment rule is taking the new value of change order enabled EFF without approvalSummary: Assignment rule is taking the new value of change order enabled EFF without approval, on top of that if we reject the change order then also assignment is happe…Sushant Mane 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sushant Mane Product Master Data Management
Needdatabase diagram for Oracle Cloud Product Data Hub tables and relationships between tablesWhere can I find database diagram for Oracle Cloud Product Data Hub (PDH) tables and relationships between tables
Item EFF and Item DFF controlsBy default, we could find the Item EFF values are controlled at Master Org level and cannot be updated at Child Orgs. Item DFF values can be updated at Master Org level …Jith 218 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Must have attriutes while creating a Fixed Asset ItemSummary: Hi, Need list of Mandatory attributes to be enabled for Fixed Asset item Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
can we configure custom notification email alert for NIR at workflowFor example, User Created NIR with item lines and submitted . Once it promoted to Definition stage at workflow and respective person has completed the definition stage a…
Item Master EFF dependency on other EFFSummary: We have 2 custom EFF's HSN Code and Tax Rate at item master. Our requirement is to have a validation of Tax Rate value on the HSN code chosen by the user. We wa…Deepika.Byram 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by UserKV-Oracle Product Master Data Management
need solution for merging multiple items into one itemSummary: need solution for merging multiple items into one item Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi guys, is there any solution of merging …
Is there a way to enable manufacture part number field to search item on PR, Negotiation and PO formSummary: Is there a way to search items by manufacturer part number on the mentioned forms requisition, negotiation, and purchase order? Content (please ensure you mask …
If item import batch Reprocessed by the different user then what would be the last updated by ?Summary: If item import batch Reprocessed by the different user then what would be the last updated by in base table? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…Sushant Mane 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Sushant Mane Product Master Data Management
Import Item RelationshipSummary: We need to Import the Item Relationship , Trying to import the Relationship with following template…Vidya Inamdar 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Master Data Management
How do I properly end-date a category in items and add a new category under an item?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Krishna Pilli 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Krishna Pilli Product Master Data Management
How to return value in formatted description at Create New Item ( Using Assignment Rule Set )Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Ejada- Adel Elsaid 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Hari Kurra-Oracle Product Master Data Management
23D Release Feature: Use Import Tools to Delete Item Structure DataHi We would like to know more about the details of this change and how it will impact the business process flow. Currently, here is the current process flow: On items cr…DIAN S. 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vinay Kangokar-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Is there a way to default the planning percent for structure components?Summary: Is there a way to default the planning percent for structure components to something other than 100%? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Need FBDI to inactivate itemHi Team, Can anyone help me with sample FBDI to inactivate inventory item in Fusion? Thank in advance. Regards, KalpeshKalpesh Salunke-Oracle 33 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sam Bandara Product Master Data Management
Adding new value in the information about manufacturerSummary: We need to customize the information of the manufacturer, in particular we need to add a new unique number value. So we need to have in the page of the manufact…
Commoning of Parent BOM will it associate the child item to the org?Hello Experts, for example item ABC is having association to CN03 Org, and ABC is having child item A1 which is not having assocation to CN03 Org when we do common bom f…
IC Security is given only View privelege but user is getting View and Edit access to Attribute groupHello Experts, we have configured item class security for Read Only role and gave only View actions which we defined as View Privileges at the Attribute Group level , bu…
In which task do we create Revenue Inventory Item Global Attribute 1Summary: Need the Task where we create the DFF to get it populated in Global Attribute1 as of now we are using EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_DFF where the attribute is getting popula…sreecharan.kotte-Oracle 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by UserKV-Oracle Product Master Data Management
export tables from DBSummary: we have the need to export data from the following tables: egp_system_items_b ego_item_eff_b egp_item_relationships_b hz_ref_entities It is not possible to extr…
Integrate supplier system with oracle to automatically create and update itemsHi Experts! My requirement is to integrate supplier system with oracle product information management to automatically create and update items in the system based on cre…
Where can we see New Item Approval Date?We are creating new items using NIR. Item approval is required. Audit is not enabled. Given these conditions, can we see item "Approval date" anywhere in UI or in the ta…ElenaP-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Siyi-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Unable to generate Item Structures Import ZIP FIleSummary: ZIP File generation for Item Structure Import is not working. It adds 4 worksheets with data in the same excel but does not create ZIP File Content (please ensu…
Item description translation is not working when user logs into instance using the specific languageSummary: Item description translation is defined at Master items in the translation Items has initially created an item in Fusion PIM with its English description. Later…
In which table Derived related items are stored in Oracle Fusion CloudHi , In which table Derived Related Items details are stored in Oracle Fusion Cloud. I have already checked EGP_ITEM_RELATIONSHIPS_B table. Thanks and Regards, SanmatiSanmati Patil-Oracle 82 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by UserKV-Oracle Product Master Data Management
ess jobHi, What is the functionality of Product Management search ingest job, it's taking days together to complete a job recently we imported around 250k Item_Rev with convers…Manohar Reddy2 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Manohar Reddy2 Product Master Data Management
Can we create Item Templates using itemsV2 REST APISummary: Looking for way to migrate Item templates from one instance to another, could not find any option. I am able to get template details using ItemsV2 REST API. Can…Santhi Vakacharla-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Product Master Data Management
how configured GTIN in oracle fusionSummary: Our customers use the GTIN for their items not 100% but they start to migrate. For now, start to implement SCM but need to understand all considerations to impl…cgleonch 307 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Product Master Data Management
Parallel Item ImportHello Experts, would like to share recent experience from submitting Item Import in Parallel for example assuming we have Item EFF batches that would take 60mins for eac…Manohar Reddy2 64 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Manohar Reddy2 Product Master Data Management