Category 218
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how to get Server url from an service connection in VBCSSummary: Hi, We have a requirement where we need oracle SaaS url in VBCS app. We have a Service connection to call BIP reports which has server url contains correspondin…
how to reset the ADP index without having to reload the pagewe have an ADP which stores result data after some search and displays the data in a table. In the table definition I use multiple selection mode (row).When running the …Oracle PaaS Consultant-Oracle 196 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by sailesh_cloudare Visual Builder
VBCS - Test REST API - "save as example response" and "save as example request" buttons are disabledSummary: VBCS - Test REST API - "save as example response" and "save as example request" buttons are disabled Content (required): I am trying to test create project api …
Is there dark mode for visual builder studio?Summary: Is there dark mode for visual builder studio? Content (required): It could make app development much easier on my eyes.. Thanks! Version (include the version yo…
New Features in Oracle Visual Builder Studio 2307Summary: New Features in Oracle Visual Builder Studio 2307 Questions Content (required): Hi Shay, First of all thank you so much for the great features that has come wit…VBCS Learner-230793 61 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
sample VBCS application which can generate excel fileSummary: Hi Experts I want to create a VBCS application which can create a excel file and download the file on click of a button. is there any recipe or cookbook or a sa…
How to create an application level dialog box which can be used in any of my pages?Summary: How to create an application level dialog box which can be used in any of my pages? Content (required): I want to create a dialog box which can be invoked from …
refer external libraries in VBCSSummary: Hi Experts I want to make use of external JavaScript libraries i.e. after i include the script tag in HTML like below, I want to refer them in JavaScript functi…
In File picker how do i get the Base64 data for a particular file?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
VB Excel add-in ver 3.5 - Send Descendant Layout read-only BOSummary: The upload fails when a download-only child BO is linked to the parent BO. However per the documentation, the read-only BO's would be skipped during an upload a…
How to copy the action chain from one page to otherSummary: Hi Experts I have requirement where in I need the same action chain in another page. Please let me know the steps involved in moving the action chain from one p…
Accessing Data between two children through Parent tableSummary: (1)- I am doing send Email notification on insert record in BO1 I need the date from another children BO2. Both BO1 and BO2 are referring to the same parent BO3…
Getting an error upon calling an application module JS function from a page moduleSummary: Getting an error upon calling an application module JS function from a page module Content (required): Hi, I am getting an error upon calling an application mod…
process start action not initiating the process instanceSummary: Hi Experts On click of button I'm trying to initiate the process but out of 10 clicks 3-4 clicks do not start the process instance rather gets 503 error. someti…
Visual Studio InstanceSummary: We are working on FA extension projects for multiple clients using Visual Builder Studio (free service by Fusion). For each client, we need to set up Visual Stu…
Constraints with Visual Builder Excel Add inSummary: Constraints while creating a new and editing an entry using Visual Builder excel add in. Customer wants to work with below Cost Accounting screen through worksh…
Add services instancesHi, When I happen to add service instances using Visual Builder I could not find any instances what could be the reason
How to sort ADP using variable sort featureSummary: HI I want to sort ADP data by using below feature and refresh index if user delete table row: How to refresh table sequence Column if user delete middle row: He…
Identify if SelectAll is selected in case of oj-table when Multi Selection Mode is ONSummary: We want to fetch the keys/indexes of checked rows on the oj-table. We have enabled the Selection Mode, Row = Multiple. Ideally, when the table loads, checkboxes…
Getting error when trying to open a dialog using module functionSummary: I want to open a dialog box whenever I click on the button but getting an error. Content (required): Hi, We have developed an VBCS application last year and mov…Jagadeesh Kumar Thontapaka 63 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by sailesh_cloudare Visual Builder
How to connect scan reader sensor tool to my applicationSummary: How to connect scan reader sensor tool to my application. The receipt shows using only mobile and reading image. But I want to use scan reader. Content (require…
How to Logout on closing of tab in vbcs App?Summary: Logout functionality when user closes the tabs. Content (required): Hi All, I need a logout functionality of vbcs application when user closes the tabs (clicks …
Page freezes when huge data is assigned to ADPSummary: SOAP BIP call is made to load data to an ADP. Page freezes when data is huge Content (required): We are making SOAP BIP call to fetch employee records from Fusi…Nirosha Mookaiah Natarajan 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nirosha Mookaiah Natarajan Visual Builder
detect row changesSummary: Content (required): I have an editable table in which I add editable rows and within the row I can record the data. I have a SAVE button that reads all the line…
File Upload Recipe: Activity Number?Summary: I was checking the File Upload Receipe but I did not get what is the activity number. Content (required): This is the link: Oracle Cloud Applications Recipe But…
Sending Email notification conditionallySummary: I need to send Email notification on update. Content (required): The notification on update should be conditionally. but on criteria I could not find a way to d…
VB Excel add-in - How to setup field LOV's based Other Fields ValueUse Multiple LOV’s for a field based on selected value of other Field We have a field called Qualifier Type which can contain Multiple values as Below. Bill-To Location …
Oracle VB Excel add-in not supported on Virtual desktopSummary: Hello, we are implementing Virtual desktop at our workplace. I was reading the installation document for Oracle Visual builder add-in for excel and noticed that…
While saving the record facing error.Summary: Hi Experts, 😊 Hope all are doing well. I am currently working on creating a custom application. The functionality is that we are using 2 different API’s, one is…
How to insert blank record at the top of the editable table in VBCS ?Summary: Trying to insert a blank record in a editable table, which is inserting at the bottom of the table. So expecting the blank record to insert at the top of the ed…