Category 218
Discussion List
How To Provide "Redirect-URL" after logout action ?Summary: Unable to Login to same application after Logout action. Content (required): The logout button in my application(status:live) triggers an action chain that call…
Seconds selector in <oj-input-date-time>Summary: Content (required): Hi Team, by default shows only Hour and Minute Selection. Is there a way to get the seconds also to be selected ? Version (include the vers…
Multiselect table function getRowsForIDs is not working correctlySummary: Hi all, I am facing 1 issue when the application loads and the user selects table row (table having action chain multirow selection) then getRowsForIDs function…
How to export data into word document using VBCSSummary: I've a requirement where I've to export the data of a SDP/ADP into a word document in the structure of table, Could someone please help me in achieving this in …
VB Excel add-in : Another user has changed the row with primary key oracle.jbo.Key[300000074116769 ]Summary: While uploading lines to an order ranging from 25 to 100, getting the error frequently. Another user has changed the row with primary key oracle.jbo.Key[3000000…
How to show some part of a paragraph as a linkSummary: I have a oj-bind-text whose value contains an email address along with other texts. I want to show only email address as a link in blue color. Content (required…
Computed Table not calculating Total column value correctlySummary: The values of two columns should be calculated and stored in third column in a table. Content (required): Hi All, I have a requirement where the values of two c…
How to implement language translations on App Extensions?Summary: In fusion, there is an option to change the language in set preferences, change the language in session settings to test language packs. How to pass the value t…
vbBeforeEnter - navigating to Azure login or to a different flow in the applicationSummary: Hi Experts, Good morning/evening/afternoon. I have an application with 5 flows in it and one flow is mapped as default flow from the shell page. And also have u…
Application Extension - Service Connection AuthenticationSummary: Hi experts. Application Extension provides one security authentication - Oracle Cloud Account Content (required): Oracle Apex ORDS uses Basic Authentication and…
Help needed with oj-sp-attachment and oj-sp-attachment-viewerSummary: Hello, Can anyone provide me with the documentation or tutorial on how to use the oj-sp-attachment and oj-sp-attachment-viewer? I have gone through the answer p…
combobox populate with Array data provider variableSummary: Hi Experts I want to use combobox component but not sure how to populate the details. Can someone please help me. I have followed below OJET cookbook but I didn…
create table with tree data in visual builderSummary: Hi Experts I want to create a table with tree data like it is shown in below OJET cookbook but not sure how to do in VBCS. Please help…
Tree structure using oj-row-expander on table, cursor pointing to the above selected.Summary: Hey Experts, I have a tree structured table, using oj-row-expander having 3 levels in each node. The query is say i expand a node in the top and then edit a val…
Unable to update the table using Fire data providerSummary: Error while updating editable table to new data. Content (required): Hi, I have defined the ADP to get the data for a table and making it editable , while updat…
How to give developers access to already created oci-visual-builder instanceSummary: I created “Visual Builder Cloud Service” and “Process Automation” instances, but cannot figure out how to give access to our developers. They can see the instan…
unbale to delete selected value from select singleSummary: Hi Experts I'm unable to delete the selected value from select single component i.e. even after pressing backspace and tabing out the value will still be there …
How we can achieve dynamic calculation in an editable table?Summary: I am currently encountering a scenario where the user will enter value in a table column using which a calculation needs to be done in the application. For exam…
VB Excel add-in - Sales Order Hub API - Form over Table :Layout issueSummary: While using Form over table layout issue cannot make the child layout (billtoCustomer) work. The ancestor column shows greyed out and gives an error that row ca…
difference between [[ ]] , {{ }} and [[[ ]]]Summary: Hi Experts While assigning variables to a property or attribute for various components in Visual Builder I have noticed below mentioned brackets. Please help me…
How to change the dialog title at runtimeSummary: Hi Experts I have a dialog component but the dialog title i want to change at runtime. Is there any way while using call component from action chain the dialog …
Boolean Checkbox IssueSummary: Boolean Checkbox Issue Content (required): Hi All, Added two Boolean Checkbox in Editable Table . Its is storing same value for next row as previous one as Acti…
How to get the url hostname of visual builderSummary: Hi Experts I want to get the hostname of the visual builder at runtime like if the visual builder host is then I want to get the hostname a…
Need help of selecting the right component to design a layoutSummary: Hi Experts I need your help at high level on how can i achieve below layout in visual builder. I'm new to VBCS and not sure how can I modify the table component…
Embedding visual-builder-apps-in-oracle-cloud-applicationsSummary: I need help to embed a VBCS application in Oracle SAAS page. I have created a VBCS application and made it 'Live'. The app is embedded as a URL in ERP SAAS appl…
select single value in variable is lost in case of idle timeoutSummary: Hi Experts I have come across a scenario where in after user selects some value from select single while filling the form and doesn't fill other fields or leave…
how to build idle timeout screen functionality in VBCSSummary: Hi Experts I have requirement where a user if doesn't use screen or is idle for more than 100 seconds then the popup/dialog needs to come up and say user to ref…
How to improve performance with Excel Add-ins on Custom object with VBCSSummary: Using Excel Add-ins on huge records for example 500,000 to 1,000,000 records on fusion custom object will give poor performance. Is there a way to use better wa…
Mapping table with BLOB fields to my applicationSummary: Will BLOB type (e.g. for file uploading) will be reflected directly to VB application in case of mapping. Content (required): Hi Experts, I am going to use in m…
VB Excel add-in - Support for Sales Order EFFSummary: We are trying to build a VB Excel template for importing Sales Oder Header and Lines information. Since there is lot of information to be entered we have setup …