Category 218
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Sending a table to database , the data invoked from external API, User will do update and save to DBSummary: API to collection => Update table by user => save table to DB. Content (required): Hi I have this sample consumed from external API. I listed the data in a tabl…
How to add mouse hover event in vbcs tableSummary: i have a requirement to add mouse hover event in vbcs table (description filed) Content (required): Table Current Code :
VBCS started to fail when calling PCS flowsSummary: VBCS started to fail when calling PCS flows Content (required): We have several VBCS applications which call PCS flows. They were all OK until yesterday when we…Aleksandar Bahchevanov 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
what does oj-sm-flex-items-initial doSummary: I have gone through ojet docs as well as css docs but didn't understand what this oj-sm-flex-items-initial have impact on the styling. Please help as i'm new to…
how to show animation until the page loadsSummary: We have embedded vbcs page in oracle fusion cloud, when the user clicks on the page link it is showing white screen for 20 seconds. is it possible to add animat…
SDP variable is not resetting after form submitSummary: Hi Experts After submitting the form i'm trying to reset the variable which is populated with SDP in the action chain. But the SDP variable in reset is not work…
How to populate single select with ADP variable instead of SDPSummary: Hi Experts Currently single select component is populated with SDP variable, i checked several blogs but didnt find solution to populate with ADP. is this possi…
LIVE application deleteis there any way to recover deleted LIVE application or any way to recover deleted data / schema
How to customize notification layoutSummary: Hi Experts I want to customize the notification layout i.e. the look and feel of the layout. I checked docs and blogs but didnt find any details on same. Please…
How to center progress bar or any componentSummary: Hi Experts I want to know how to center allign the progress bar or any component in general in visual builder I went through building responsive design with OJE…
comma is appearing in input number field, how to removeSummary: Hi Experts I have used input number component to populate zip code but it is styling with comma, please help me how to remove this comma. I want only numbers wi…
How can i customize dialog component as belowSummary: Hi Experts I want to remove the texture at the top of the dialog component. Also, title and button i want to align to center. Also, button color for yes i want …
How to restrict user to checkmark only 1 option in checkboxSummary: Hi Experts I want to put restriction on the checkbox component i.e. i don't want user to select more than 1 option in checkbox. Please help Content (required): …
how to customize form layout label position as per screen sizeSummary: Hi Experts I want to customize the position of label position as per the screen size i.e. for large and above i want the label at start and for small and medium…
I modified header fragment but now its not showing in small devicesSummary: Hi All, I'm new to visual builder. I have modified header fragment like below and added css but now header not showing in smaller devices. Please help ---------…
How to add a blank row in a table on click of a buttonSummary: Hi to add a blank row row on click of a button and store it into an ADP Variable Content (required): Hi Expert, I have below requirement Add a blank row in a ta…
Editing not working in tableSummary: Editing not working in VBCS Content (required): Hi All, I have implemented edit table as per below video however the input text box is not working.
Roadmap for more VB screens in FASummary: Hello, Please, if anyone in Oracle can give a clue about this. I have seen in new release of FA, the screen for procurement requests. There are now 2 screens fo…
Sorting based on header in oj Tables in VBCSSummary: I am fetching data using a rest api with the help of SDP and populating that data into a oj table. My table have three columns Name, age and Designation. I want…
I want the user to enter only tasks related to him/her?Summary: I want the user to enter only tasks related to him/her? Content (required): I am building applications to add tasks to users. and I want each user to enter only…
How to set collapsible component expanded to false in action chainSummary: I have a vbcs page where on click of search button within the collapsible i want to make the collapsible component expanded to false i.e. it should not be anymo…
Inline Edit and Add Row functionality in VBCSSummary: Inline Edit and Add Row functionality in VBCS Content (required): Hi All, I have below requirement a) Inline table edit functionality b)Add button to insert a n…
Unable to display the virtual keyboard on the select many component in mobile browser.Summary: Unable to display the virtual keyboard on the select many component in mobile browser. Content (required): I'm using a select many component, and in the mobile …
select single filter list of value as we typeSummary: Currently I'm using SDP to populate the data in select single component but when i type the list is not getting filtered. Please help, how can i add filtering o…
How to expand specific level using oj-row-expander using script?Summary: We have requirement of oj-row-expander with three levels of hierarchal data and able to display it on UI with edit feature in level3, when we editing any of lev…
oj-table -> can we get the column name instead of index based on the position of the cell?Summary: Hi Experts, I wanted to know if there is any event or attribute in the oj-table's editable table to get the exact column name from the table? I have an oj-table…
Dynamically create ADP and ADP type based on the configuration dataSummary: Hello Experts, I have a requirement as below, Call REST API to show the list of values of the configurations - DONE Add value change listener to the lov (combo-…
Import Sales order through Visual Builder addin for excel cannot enable the Project and task fieldsSummary: Importing Sales order through Visual Builder addin for excel cannot enable the Project and task fields to capture the project information as the line level. Con…Shuja Siddiqui-Oracle 164 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Kelsey Von Tish-Oracle Visual Builder
VB Excel PluginSummary: Our requirement is to restrict columns from table after downloading data, based on some status column. So that user do not have ability to update the details of…
How to customize layout to have 3 sectionsSummary: I want to create a layout for a page in VBCS like a blog as shown in below, on right side I want to add the links or table of content and in left or center the …