Category 222
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OIC Gen3 > Stage File Action ‘Read File in Segments’ > For Each Loop > Activity StreamSummary: OIC Gen3 > Stage File Action ‘Read File in Segments’ > For Each Loop > Activity Stream Content (required): Hello All, I am using a For Each Loop within a Stage …
Do we have Bold characters in MICR MT font and is there any possibility to make a micr font as bold?Summary: Could not make a micr font bold while generating the output Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add an…
Is there a way to add a new line above header csvSummary: I am trying to use a write file action in an integration that I have developed, and I feel like I have hit a limitation. Content (required): The recipient of th…
Attachment of log file of ESS job request not coming correctly in email notificationSummary: Hi I ran ESS job "Generate Receipt Advice" for single PO in OIC and looking for same log file in email attachment. i am getting email attachment but it is of 1k…
Having problem creating connection to HCM Cloud Adapter from oracle IntegrationSummary: We have Oracle OCI tenancy and Oracle HCM Cloud. We want to develop some integration. When we tried to create a connection using HCM Cloud Adapter and entered t…
OIC translation error : HTTP 502Summary: OIC endpoint throws HTTP 502 error while parsing an error message in a scope fault Content (required): We have an OIC interface that invokes an external REST en…
TZ_OFFSET equivalent in xslt?Summary: is there an xslt function equivalent to the sql function TZ_OFFSET Content (required): I'm extremely new to OIC and xsl...I need to find a way to get the timezo…
Fusion Cloud Sales Order Holds API not Working as expected.Summary: Fusion Cloud Sales Order Holds API not Working as expected. POST:…
best approach to insert into multiple tables from OICSummary: Looking for the best way to proceed to bring in data with many collections of data within it Content (required): Hi. I am extremely new to OIC and just stumbled…
Pub/Sub with different OIC environments and versionSummary: Hi Folks I think I know the answer (no) but always good to check here Is it possible in Gen3 to setup pub/sub (event handling) between two different OIC instanc…
Ess Job submission issueSummary: Hi I am trying to run "Generate Receipt Advice " ess job but its getting failing . attached error screenshot for your reference. Error Reason: CASDK-0033: Recei…
Connecting to the OCI > Ability to Change to Mobile Phone to Which the Notification is SentSummary: Connecting to the OCI > Ability to Change to Mobile Phone to Which the Notification is Sent Content (required): Hello, When connecting to the OCI Console, is th…
Cannot Create Compartment > Exception ‘Authorization failed or requested resource not found’Summary: Cannot Create Compartment > Exception ‘Authorization failed or requested resource not found’ Content (required): Hello, When trying to create a compartment, we …
Cannot create instance > Not authorized to create integration instanceSummary: Cannot create instance > Not authorized to create integration instance Content (required): Hello All, I am not able to create an instance - PFA screenshot. Any …
OIC 3. ATP adapter, stuck calling db. procedure.Summary: Hi, please, has anyone seen this in OIC3? I cannot select procedure in ATP connection. I have done a basic integration from scratch. Is this a bug? or is any tr…
Subscribe to business eventsI want to subscribe to business events outside OIC. Is there any api or any way to expose the Accounts Payable business events to be consumed from other platforms?
Drill through source functionality - APEX and EPM-EPBCS IntegrationWe are integrating APEX cloud (source) and EPBCS. Can we enable drill through source functionality for APEX cloud in EPBCS? If yes, can you help answer the below questio…Karthiga Devi Ramanathan 21 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Karthiga Devi Ramanathan Integration
Does Microsoft Project Integration Client works with MSP 2023 and is it supported by OracleSummary: Does Microsoft Project Integration Client works with MSP 2023 and is it supported? In the oracle docs we see MSP 2019 is supported, but there is no mention of M…
How to read ANSI encoded file in FTP using xsd schema?Summary: Unable to read special characters like ã from ANSI encoded file using xsd schema. Content (required): I am trying to read a file using FTP adapter in OIC but th…
OIC integration to pull in new customers from SFTP fileSummary: We have a requirement wherein we need to use OIC to load new customers (from a different source system) into Oracle Fusion. There is option to use FBDI with OIC…
OIC gen 3 performance (really good) for our test.Summary: Please, can someone explain the meaning of "OIC gen 3 now is native to OCI" that I have read somewhere in the documentatión. We are evaluating OIC3 for performa…
list file is not working in integrationSummary: Hi I am trying to create Projects using FBDI template . As a part of it , i have placed fbdi file in SFTP server but when i am using the list file in FTP connec…
Instance id in OIC gen 3.Summary: Hi Oracle teams, I am evaluating OIC3 for a real project. I have just noticed the instance id is not a number, is a string: In the customer I am working several…
OIC Gen3 instance is not showing Process cloud serviceSummary: Hi Team, We have setup a new OIC Gen3 environment, but it seems the process cloud is not available as part of OIC, it is available now as a separate OCI offerin…
Project Creations issue using FBDI templateSummary: Hi I am trying to create Projects using "ProjectImportTemplat" fbdi template. but in for each loop when trying to download it seems it si not going into it. att…
Does Oracle CX Sales adapter have the capability to GET several records?Summary: We created an integration using the Oracle CX Sales adapter with the following Business Object and operation below. However, we are only getting 25 records on t…
Microsoft SQL server adapter - select from a table- valued function with input parametersSummary: Microsoft SQL server adapter - select from a table- valued function with input parameters Content (required): I have some table - valued functions in SQL server…
For AR Invoice, want to know if we can update an Invoice/DM/CM using FBDI?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
multiple AP invoice creation issue using REST apiSummary: I am trying to create multiple AP invoice using REST API fscmRestApi/resources/ I have attached request payload and error screenshot. if i …
Erp cloud connection for callback.Summary: Hi, please can someone clarify the following. In one instance I have access I see this connection: It seems prepared for trigger/invoke and callback integration…