Category 335
Discussion List
End Date Bank Account Warning in Expenses moduleSummary: Hello: What is the functionality when the user End Date the Bank Account in expenses. The functionality does not seem to work Content (please ensure you mask an…
EXM_VEHICLE_CATEGORY:The value provided for the Reference Data Set attribute is invalid (ZX-885076)Setup Task: Manage Expense Report Auditing Lookup Types Lookup Type: EXM_VEHICLE_CATEGORY I need to create different lookup codes for the following lookup types: EXM_VEH…
Mobile app to see history of all approved expense reportsSummary: Hi all, is it possible to view history of approved or rejected expense reports by the approver in their expenses mobile app? Content (please ensure you mask any…
Requirement to Print Preview the Expense without attachmentSummary: We have a requirement where User who submits the Expense when print the Expense then all the attachments are added into the Print. Where user want that when he …
Name on the Receipt should match with the name of expense report submitterSummary: Name on the Receipt should match with the name of expense report submitter Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement …
Expense Report "Assigned to" does not get updated when next assignment is a RoleSummary: Our Expense Report approval has been configured as: Individual > Manager > Level 1 Role > Level 2 Role. We see that the Expense Report tiles still show the "Ass…
Manage Bank Accounts - Expenses - Add New/Inactivate OldSummary: Manage Bank Accounts - Expenses - Add New/Inactivate Old - Issues unchecking the active box Content (required): We allow employees to update their own bank acco…
Outstanding transaction count is '0' inspite of valid credit card transactions available for the empSummary: Hello Experts, For one Corporate Card Token / Employee, the Outstanding transaction count is Zero inspite of valid corporate card transactions loaded. Please no…Navya Krishna Yarlagadda 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Soumya Ranajn Dash-Oracle Expenses
Can Mileage Distance Field be Made "Read Only"Summary: Cst would like Mileage distance field to be populated by Maps - can the field be made "read only" Content (required): If field is "read only" the distance would…
Can we make the DFF autopopulated based on chosen Expense Type?Summary: We have added a DFF in Expense type just for the SLA accounting rules when the Expense imported to AP, expense distribution only comes from Expense Type = Natur…
EXM_EREPT_SUBMIT_ACCT_ERR - Error while submitting Expense ReportSummary: Error "EXM_EREPT_SUBMIT_ACCT_ERR" while submitting expense report Cost center segment qualifier is assigned to Department COA Segment. Still, I am receiving sam…Navya Krishna Yarlagadda 88 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Navya Krishna Yarlagadda Expenses
Null Condition RulesSummary: Content (required): Hello: We recently had issues trying to process corporate card transactions for a terminated employee. We finally resolved the issue, but it…
Employee petty cash balance transfer from one branch to anotherSummary: Is the below ask feasible in system? In case the employee is transferred to another branch, the petty cash balance of transfer to be tracked in Oracle and audit…
I can't see any Suppliers in Manage Expense Contingent WorkerSummary: I want to link a Supplier to a Contingent Worker, but when I attempt to add in Manage Expense Contingent Worker, I cannot see any Suppliers. Contingent Workers …
Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Request - Some Invoices without DistributionsSummary: Ran Create Corporate Card Issuer Payment Request process Invoices were created - some have distribution while others do not. Why? Content (please ensure you mas…Matthew - Town of Aurora 11 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Matthew - Town of Aurora Expenses
Expenses - Expense Transactions Real Time "The specified criteria didn't result in any data.I am facing same issue not able pull expense details from Expenses - Expense Transactions Real Time " Subject area. Only details from Employee folder are populating. if …
Assign Expense Report to another auditorSummary: Assign Expense Report to another auditor, when auditor goes on leave not able to complete the Expense Report Auditing. Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
Manage delegations in ExpensesHi , We have a requirement to delegate expenses in bulk(The user should be able to create expenses for all the employees). How to achieve this ?
Disable country location when choosing the Country and State or Province option in Expense LocationSummary: Disable country location when choosing the Country and State or Province option in Expense Location Level Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
How can I delete a cash expense item from the Advanced Search workspace?Summary: We recently had a large group of users receive a global transfer from HR which caused all their available expense items and expense reports to be archived in th…
How to auto-reject Spend Authorization request if no attachment found at header/line in ExpenseIssue: In Expense Spend Authorization page, When user submits "Spend Authorization", then system must auto-reject that spend authorization request if there is no attachm…
Authorizations - Expected Expense Items do not check policy rate based on Expense TypesSummary: Authorizations - Expected Expense Items do not check policy rate based on Expense Types Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Policy ha…
How to update the Expense template/BU name of corporate card transactionSummary: How to update the Expense template/BU name of corporate card transaction Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The employee was wrongly…
There is a web service for creating Spend Authorizations?We require to automatically create approved "Spend Authorizations" to be available on the expense report for the scenario when an employee submits an expense that exceed…
Fusion Expenses with Mastercard Corporate Credit Cards v3 CDF files, which format to use?Summary: We have corporate credit cards with our bank that are Mastercard. The bank are asking which format to use. Content (required): Here are the options: - CDF v3 Re…
Expense Payment Request CurrencySummary: Hi Experts We have a scenario where the Reimbursement Currency is different to the Ledger Currency and Once the Expense report is fully approved and and XML fil…
How can we add Corporate policy link on Spend authorization page?Summary: How can we add Corporate policy link on Spend authorization page just like expense reports. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
GetThere Integration AdviceMy university is retiring Concur as we implement Oracle Cloud (go live 7-1-2024) and are pursuing integration with GetThere. I am seeking contacts or information regardi…
FYI workflow for ownerHi Specialists For the delegation process, how can I perform only an FYI for the report owner in the workflow? This is possible, we do not want individual approval. Than…
Block certain users from raising expenses in OracleSummary: Hi Oracle Team, Could you please suggest if blocking certain users from submitting PERSONAL normal expenses in Oracle for themselves while still being able to a…