Category 339
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How to derive Tax account in STAT ledger based on Item Expense segment values in Primary ledger?Business requirement and the issue: User creates an AP Invoice with below Item Expense account and the Tax account comes from Tax Rate setup >> Item Expense Account on I…Jn_Samyak 8 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniela Petria-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
Tax applicability exemption for few suppliersSummary: We've allowed Tax applicability at manage taxes so that tax rate will calculated for all invoices. Now Business doesn't want tax to be calculated for insurance …
How to setup Tax rules for Foreign vendorsSummary: Hi Team, Urgently need help, as I am new to Tax Set up I am having doubts in setup the tax part, Anyone please help me Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
intercompany taxesSummary: Hi Team, It seems that when I add the conditions for ICO transactions the system does not calculate any tax for ICO AP transactions for India country.(US Provid…
Unable to Download Tax Rate SpreadsheetSummary: Unable to download Tax Rate Spreadsheet Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We can't download the tax rate Spreadsheet from "Manage T…
I need to create a tax rule that considers this "warehouse" field of account receivableI have this warehouse with the following address: I need the tax rule to look at this field that is in the AR invoice: So I set up this tax rate rule: but it does not ca…
Apply Single Rate on Total Taxable Basis for the Lower TDS rates also where there is rate scheduleAs per the Checklist for Configuring Withholding Tax for India, below is the setup advised- Setup Taxes in the Tax Regime For Period Level Threshold, do the following: 1…
How do I know which tax rules apply to calculating the tax as exempt when generating PO?Summary: The tax is calculated on the purchase order when in fact the tax should not be calculated because there is a rule stating which entities should be exempt. How c…
Offset tax is not getting calculated when Set Invoice Values as Tax InclusiveOffset tax is not getting calculated when Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive
Request document to setup WHT based on supplier certificateSummary: Request document to setup WHT based on supplier certificate Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Request to share setup document to wo…
is there an fdbi to upload taxExemptions ??Summary: I'm using /fscmRestApi/resources/ to load massive tax excemptions, almost 2000 rows for a customer at a time. AS /fscmRestApi/resources…
calculateTransactionTaxEstimate: why this method always returns 0 for LineNumberSummary: Method calculateTransactionTaxEstimate always returns 0 for LineNumber instead of input line number Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
How to override receivables credit taxHello, We are trying to workout how to override the tax against an AR Credit. We have the following enabled: Manage Taxes - Allow override of calculated tax lines and Al…
How to set up suppliers for bookkeeping invoices only in Oracle Fusion Cloud?Summary: Some transactions in Brazil need to be recorded buy not paid out. Bookkeeping invoices only. And we were wondering what supplier setup would look like in these …Russell Klinke 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Narendran-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How the tax is calculated in RMS/ReIM when somebody use GTS?There are some 'GTS%' tables present, so from those tables can we determine the tax for an item? If yes, then please provide the related table names to refer. ReIM and R…
Sample of the Spain SII XML OutputSummary: We are looking for a sample of the Spain SII XML Output using the 'Online VAT Reporting for Spain'. This is needed for our business users to confirm that the St…
Israel Localization- Generate VAT report for Israel does not populate date in txt file for VAT-YIsrael Localiztion for VAT-Y - Generate VAT report for Israel does not populate date in txt. As per Oracle populate the contaxt based DFF for each line in AR invoice - r…
How we can create non vatable AR Invoice created from Inter Company for certain transations only?Summary: Intercompany transactions were configured as vatable. I think during implementation they expect only vatable transaction that why it was configured this way how…
Tax box allocation reportsHi, I have configured a first setup setup for the tax box allocation rules and try to run the "Tax Box Return Preparation Report" but get the result of "No Data Found" I…
How to Tax exemption using REST APII need to get tax exemptions specified in the lookup of ZX_EXEMPTION_REASON_CODE , but it shows no values , considering that it already exists in UI
Israel VAT Tax Report ProcessHi Team, We are testing VAT report funciton for Israel, but there are some questions need you help to clarify. Currently the steps we are following in Oracle system is: …
Can we add a new determining factor name (address line 1) of the location tax rule?Summary: Can we add a new determining factor name (address line 1) of the location tax rule? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we add a …
Cybersource and PaymentechThe requirement is to process customer payments via credit card transactions in many currencies within a single business unit, integrating with Cybersource and passing t…
Is there any general VAT report for France?Is there a general VAT report for France that includes all tax accounts along with their related invoices, regardless of whether they are classified as payables, receiva…
VALIDATE TAX REGISTRATION NUMBERS FOR INDIVIDUALSHi All, During the time of implementation we have enabled validation type ORA_NL_ST_VAT for Netherlands under manage country defaults controls. Now we would like to do i…
How advance payment in oracle fusion lease accounting can generate invoice in Accounts PayableSummary: Business has a scenario of having paid in advance the lessor aside from the monthly payment on a particular property lease. Content (please ensure you mask any …Joel Pineda-Oracle 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniela Petria-Oracle Lease Accounting
Payable taxWe have below requirement can somebody confirms the steps to perform this one : Payable invoice line 1 $100 Tax line 1 - US MA SALES - 6.25 Tax line 2 - US NY SALES - 8.…
Is it Mandatory to create Tax Authority supplier in case of Withholding Tax when WHTinvoice not reqSummary: Is it Mandatory to create Tax Authority supplier in case of Withholding Tax when WHT invoice not required to generate? Getting below Error while enabling rate "…
Can we define Tax rules based on Tax Registration Type?Summary: Can we define Tax rules based on Tax Registration Type? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we define Tax rules based on Tax Regi…
Is there an easier way of customer onboarding for e-invoicingSummary: When e-invoicing is enabled for B2B and B2C customers (like in India, Turkey, Malaysia, Italy) we have to do many setups (AR / outbound) for each customer befor…