Category 339
Discussion List
How to use a P&L Type account as the Tax Liability Account?Summary: How to use a P&L Type account as the Tax Liability Account? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We wish to point/update the tax amoun…
What is the best way to withhold taxes on the first payment that I make in full?Summary: What is the best way to withhold taxes on the first payment that I make in full? Assuming partial payments have been made Content (please ensure you mask any co…
AP tax alone invoice, on invoice validation tax lines are getting cancelledAP tax alone invoice, on invoice validation tax lines are getting cancelled we have 3rd party tax integration with Avalara steps followed: Created invoice added header i…
WHT is not deriving on the invoice lines from the Supplier Site AssignmentsHello, We have configured the WHT setups. However the WHT code provided at supplier site assignments is not deriving at invoice line level. Could you please help me unde…
How many taxes can be created in single regimeSummary: There is any limitation upto 25 taxes, if we want to create more, how to do that?? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inclu…
US Sales Tax - Special Tax RateHi I'd like to seek guidance on US Sales Tax. So currently we have tax calculation based on US jurisdiction (State, County and City). However, in some locations, Special…
what is the selection criteria used by the tax register and how is it different from invoice registeSummary: We are trying to file our purchases and have seen that not all the invoices in Payables are visible in tax register for a given period of time. We tried running…
Regarding Tax calculation on AP and AR invoicesHi Team, We have 4 tax rates for US country and configured tax , tax regime, tax rates with recovery rate , tax status. When raised a AP invoice selecting the tax classi…
How to change sign on amounts fields in the credit memo received from OBN?Summary: We are receiving credit memo from suppliers via OBN. All other suppliers send negative invoice amount on credit memo and standard XSL is checking sign of invoic…
How to define threshold amount for TCS Tax - India LocalizationSummary: This is related to india localization. Basically we want to know how we can configure the tcs amount threshold in system. Below is the ask for business requirme…
Can we create adhoc amount taxes to add other charges on PO and InvoiceSummary: Business requirment is to create transaction tax with adhoc amount (Not %). Base Amount: 5000 GST: 18% Now business want to add one more tax with adhoc amount w…
What are the Projects module data fields that can be used for Tax Rule configurationSummary: What are the Projects module data fields that can be used for Tax Rule configuration? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can you ple…
Can taxes be validated in AP for invoices that come from the supplier portal?Scenery: The taxes were configured so that they are calculated according to the fiscal and regulatory conditions of each supplier when you upload an invoice from the sup…Liliana Goncalves 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Rama Mohan - Support-Oracle Tax & Global
Include taxes in the calculation of specific tax withholdings (Argentina)Hello, I need to configure a new withholding regime for Argentina: the province of Santa Fe. For this new regime, the withholding calculation must take as a calculation …
need a document with the setup required for Spanish localization. They needed DFF in AP, AR and TaxSummary: The customer need a document with the setup required for Spanish localization. They needed DFF in AP, AR and Taxes which need to be consider it for Spain Locali…
Withholding tax for the VAT TAX LINESummary:Hello Gurus, We are unable to create a withholding tax exclusively for the VAT tax line, is there any specific configuration we should do ? Content (please ensur…
How to avoid tax calculation for card clearing line for expense reports processed via PayablesSummary: Tax is being calculated for Miscellaneous item line on the invoice that represents the "Credit Card Expense Clearing Account" in a "employer pays" scenario. Thi…
Reconciling Tax Box Return Preparation ReportSummary: What is the report to use to reconcile to Tax Box Return Preparation Report ? Very often our user pointed out there are transactions reported in Payables Tax Re…
How does the Financial Tax Register(FTR) report works with the following parametersSummary: How does the Financial Tax Register(FTR) report works with the following parameters : Reporting Level : Ledger Reporting Context : Ireland USD Reporting Ledger …Yasasree Boosireddy-Oracle 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rama Mohan - Support-Oracle Tax & Global
Dynamic WithHolding Tax Rates (India) based on Supplier certificate with a thresholdThe detailed requirement: The are suppliers in India who provide us Lower TDS certificates which will lead to a reduced tax rate. This certificate needs to be stored at …
Why Tax is getting calculated on return sales orderTax is getting calculated when we change the price. When user is trying to adjust the price on sales order, tax is getting calculated. Is there a way to stop this calcul…Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
Avalara Tax ConfigurationSummary: AVA Tax Configuration in Oracle Cloud Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We want to know how to enable Avalara Tax and the prerequis…
How do I create a preprint for a withholding certification for my suppliers when payment is made?Summary: In Nicaragua, you need to print a pre-printed document to give to the supplier as proof of the withholdings that were made on your payments. It is a fiscal docu…
Canceled invoice is not extracted from the VAT purchases registerSummary: I have a canceled invoice and it does not appear in the VAT register. How can I get it extracted from the report? Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
Is there any API/FBDI appraoach available for posting Withholding Tax Setup?Summary: We are manually adding Withholding tax certificates in fusion using-1. Manage Tax Rates and recovery rates 2.Manage Tax Condition Sets 3.Manage Tax Rules Is the…
Tax Payer ID VS Tax Registration NumberSummary: I am implementing ERP for a multi-national customer. It seems like Tax Registration Number is the major ID number for Tax Transaction of most countries. Is ther…
Options to setup Non-Recoverable Tax other assigning Tax Category to an itemDear Team The business has requested to setup non-recoverable tax for certain item purchases e.g. Gift, and accordingly we have setup Tax Category based determination an…
How to configure Foreign Vendor Invoice WHT applicable in PakistanI have a scenario regarding foreign invoice vendors withholding taxes applicable in Pakistan. In the current instance, I have configured all Pakistan GST and withholding…
Manage Withholding Taxable Basis Exemptions Mass UploadSummary: Need a way to mass upload withholding taxable basis exemptions Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For Argentina, we have some Tucuma…
We need the tax rule to validate the supplier's load in accounts payable through the Supplier PortalWhen the supplier sends an invoice from the supplier portal (ISP) to accounts payable (AP) with differences in the tax lines, the accounts payable user attempts to modif…