Category 432
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Payables Payment Request FBDI Import Error-You must provide a value for the Payee party Id attributeRecurring error 'You must provide a value for the Payee party Id attribute' anytime the interface is run with Payables Payment Request Import job. FYI - When using the P…Mohammed Boucanna 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by sangina inderjeet Payables, Payments & Cash Management
how multiple Invoices can be scanned in one PDF?fusionHi Team, Could you please explain how multiple invoices scanned in one PDF? Can you provide the step.sreenivasulu Etlaiahgari-Oracle 21 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Prashant_960 Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Unable to update invoice amountUnable to update invoice header amount after its payment been voided to add a new invoice line thus Invoice header amount needed to be updated. Thoughts? Thanks, MohammedMohammed Boucanna 3 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Avinash Neela Payables, Payments & Cash Management
View OTBI Report using BI Consumer RoleHi. I created some OTBI reports and was able to view them. I am now testing view only access with the OTBI reports using a user that only has the BI Consumer Role. It se…Henry Wu-274002 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shankar AyyalaSomayajula Financials – General
Customer wants Cash advance approval rule based on Head of Department or cost center.Need to create Cash advance approval rule based on Head of Department or cost center or head of Sector but it is not applicable. As a work around we created a DFF in cas…Anurag Priyadarshi-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Jon Kelly Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Utilize financial category in FR Web Studio FRSIs it applicable to use natural account's Financial Category in FR Web to select the members based on the financial category of the accounts?Sherif M Fahmy Ahmed 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shameem Bauccha General Ledger & Intercompany
How to add DFF under Descriptive Details while creation of new AssetHi, Can any body help me to add new DFF when creating new Asset should be visible under Descriptive Details. Also, this DFF should also be appearing when trying to updat…
BI Publisher Report in Scheduled ProcessesHi. I created a BI Publisher report and included it as a scheduled process using "Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job Sets for Financial, Supply Chain Ma…
Is there a way to join xla_ac_balances and xla_ae_lines cleanly?What I was trying to do was to see if I can pull data from balances and tie it to the supporting references in the xla_ae_lines table that does not carry a balance. But …Cory Ni 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kiran Basavaraju-202491 Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
Is it possible to modify the sender's email address for Batch Reports?We would like to customize the sender's email address for batch reports to reflect the specific client so that the recipients do not mistaken / tag email as spam or from…