Category 56
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Me -> Team Schedule: Other than Line Managers, some random employees are getting displayedSummary: Hi Team, Employee Login: Me → Team Schedule. If we click on Show filters, under Line Manager heading, along with actual Line Manager, some other random employee…Global Support Desk 6 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashwini Abhishek-Oracle Workforce Management
Redwood Time Cards - View-Only Time CardsSummary: Does anyone know if there is any option to get view-only time cards on Redwood layout, similar to the View Time Cards of classic timecards? Content (please ensu…
Read only access for time cardWe want a delivered read only security role with similar page and data (but view only) access as the Time and Labor Administrator. Our HR and Payroll departments both wa…
ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS - "fa-hcm-timecard "Summary: If i run ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS and Parameter as - "fa-hcm-timecard " its always showing as Retrying and the proc…Harikaran 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
function on timecard making redwood timecard not accessibleSummary: We have a time card field based on function for "population method for new entry". When we switched to redwood UI, the user is not able to open the timecards. W…N. Gomes 9 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Custom project manager role who can see timesheets of only projects which they ownHello Team, We are implementing Oracle Time and Labor integrated with project costing. We are also using projecttimecardapproval ELA. The requirement is that each projec…
Overtime Or double time calculation impacts When we added Expenditure time types in TimeEntry LayoutSummary: Hello Team, Step 1: I have added/mapped Payroll time types to Expenditure time types in Time entry layout components (One to one). Step 2 : When I ran import co…
Usage of features/functions/pages in Oracle domainSummary: Is it possible to get usage of features/functions/usage/pages in Oracle application? We want to identify how utilised those functions are. Content (please ensur…
Does the mobile time change request allow requests to be more specific than 5 minute incrementsSummary: Many legislations require time to be tracked to the minute, and so if someone needs to request a time change, it should also be measured to the minute. Right no…
Not able to submit leave on last date of transfer due to balance close happening on that date.Summary: We have developed a custom page using VBS, which allows employees to submit leaves for a pre-transfer assignment if they have a balance. If they do not have eno…
There was a problem evaluating the plan matrix. (ANC-3405067)Hello , I created simple Length of service Derived factors and use them in Annual Accrual matrix Expression , But when i Run the accrual i face below error Derived facto…
New entitlement to statutory neonatal leave in the UKSummary: The UK government has announced today that a new entitlement to statutory paid time off will be introduced for UK employers Content (please ensure you mask any …Lesley Macdonald 211 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by SivaKumarRajan Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Transaction Console 'Submitted By' Filter showing multiple records for employees with multiple asgThe 'Submitted By' filter in the Transaction Console is showing multiple lines in the drop-down, if the employee has had more than one assignment. The employee name and …
Donation request approved, but still showing awaiting approvalSummary: Donation was submitted in April 2024, approved in November 2024 (confirmed it was approved in transaction console). But when viewing the donor's absence managem…
Page header is showing NULL trying to Change Title Name using Page ComposerHi Team, We are trying to change the page header from NULL to title using page composer, it is effecting all the pages. Can you please guide us how we can change it for …Bhuvaneswari Konduri-Oracle 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
Employee should not able to submit Awaiting approval leave on existing absence redwood pageSummary: I have a requirement , Hide/disable the Submit option for an employee on Awaiting approval leave so employee can't change the leave start and end date. this was…
Requirement is to make Position Name and Plan Name read only on Add Cash disbursement RequestSummary: Hi Team, We have requirement to make position name and plan name read only on absence add cash disbursement request. We have only one value to show up in dropdo…
Fast Formula is not working for offboarding checklist.Summary: Hi everyone, We have a requirement to trigger offboarding checklist when employee submits their resignation and get it approved. and we have to exclude Canada a…
What will be the impact on HCM Extract for Release 25A Redwood changesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 24D Code Snippet (add any code snippe…Kunal Seal 48 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
do we have an OTL Audit Trail report in Fusion environment?Summary: We wanted to track timecard, how many times it was edited, submitted, saved... we have one in R12 but I could not find any in Fusion. Content (please ensure you…
You can't record this leave because the employee isn't enrolled in or eligible for any leave planSummary: Hi, Employees are receiving the below error suddenly while trying to submit the past dated "Sick Leaves" which is a "Qualification Plan" . You can't record this…
REDWOOD Time Card - Calculated Time missing time type labelSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are enabling REDWOOD pages in our TEST and DEV2 environments and when displaying the calculate…
enhanced timecard required Fields on project and task (OTL and Absence)we have time and labor with absence showed in the time card. We would like to go in enhanced timecard, but we are running in to a big problem. We have required on projec…Signe Winther Allerup 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Signe Winther Allerup Workforce Management
We need edit button in the bpm worklist notification AbsenceSummary: We need edit button in the bpm worklist notification to approvers similar to the resignation approval notifications. Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Team Schedule in RedwoodSummary: Hello Everyone, we have enabled the team schedule available in redwood but we are unable to see the work schedule of the employee in team schedule also there is…
unable to submit absences in OTL time card page along with Time card submission in RedwoodSummary: Team, Getting the below error while submitting the Redwood time card along with Absence. Could someone kindy assist us on this issue. Content (please ensure you…Subhashini Devarala-Oracle 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dana I-Oracle Workforce Management
interim managerSummary: Can be an employee be an interim manager of himself? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hallo I've to put the same employee in a pos…
Financial Tax Register report data was missingSummary: Hi Team, we have ran the Financial Tax Register report some trx_number data was missing and checked the application those trx_number have data. and we have chec…
How to fetch the first date of the absence in a particular period.Summary: Hello Experts, I have an Absence Plan of type calendar year starts from January 1 2025. I want to fetch the first absence record of an employee . For ex: The em…
Not able to search person to add a timecardSummary: Hi, I am not able to find any employees when trying to add a timecard. I ran the compute ACL processes and the index processes. Does anyone know the cause of th…