Category 58
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Restrict who can be selecting employees for feedbackUse case: Employee can select CEO for the below scenario: Request feedback Provide feedback How to restrict employees from selecting any employee in the request feedback…
Expand all details by default - Goals and Performance Overview pageHi, Can all the details be expanded by default on the Goals and Performance Overview page? We used personalization to do the same in the Evaluate Performance but don't k…
Error in initial loading of the landing page of the "Performance" appHi Team, the client has requested to duplicate the "performance" app and rename it. When opening the duplicated app, there is initially a page loading error. To be more …
Printing Goal NotesSummary: Greetings! We are looking to print goal notes under the performance document. Is there an option to enable them? Also, does the option to print goals and notes …
How can a HR complete a performance document for all the employees in redwood theme?Summary: We have enabled the redwood theme for Talent Management Module. In responsive UI, HR just needs to select the review period and Performance document which needs…
review meeting in performance evaluationHi all, I am working on a new performance template. I added a task to conduct a review meeting. After the evaluation is completed, I can't find the meeting details. Can …Catherine Abi Samra 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Naga M -Oracle Performance Management
Hide Rate and Comment on Performance Document PageSummary: Hide Rate and Comment on Performance Document Page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Need to hide a field on Performance Docume…
Can we make assigned and completed date visible under document details of performance documents pageAssigned and completed date field visibility.
Redwood - Hide filters on My Team PerformanceSummary: Hi - I would like to know if its possible to hide the filters for the search bar when you're looking to evaluate performance. Cannot find a component in VBS tha…
Redwood - Feedback summary open by defaultSummary: We are currently working on implementing the Redwood pages for performance and wanted to know if there's an option to have feedback open by default instead of h…
How to hide hover text on Overall Summary section of a Mid-Year Performance DocumentHello Team, in Mid-Year Document on Overall Summary Section a Hover Text is Visible and that needs to be deleted. Below provided is the screenshot of the hover text. Ple…
How to make comments mandatory when manager bypass self-evaluation RWSummary: When a line manager click on "bypass self-evaluation", a tab on the left side opens (in redwood navigation). On this tab, we need to have the comment mandatory …
It is possible to include a new status option under Development Goal?Hello, Our client need to include a new status option called 'Cancelled' inside the Career Development page. (Me > Carrer and Performance > Career Development > Select a…
Make the print icon (HTML) visible only upon completion of the performance document.Hello everyone, I would like to make a print icon visible that points to a report only when a performance review form is completed in Oracle HCM. Is this request feasibl…
Can Check-in alert should trigger a email/Bell notification when check-in is overdue or approaching.Summary: We have a requirement that, Check-in alert should trigger a email/Bell notification when check-in is overdue or approaching. Please let us know can we create a …Anthony Shabir Kumar-95923 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Naga M -Oracle Performance Management
Multiple checkbox DFF in Goal pageWe have a request by client where employee can select multiple values against each goal, for that we have created DFF but we are not having any option under Display Type…
Page personalization feature is not working as expected.Summary: We are trying to make a section' Competencies' Visible in the employee self evaluation page. The section is included in the performance template .But the same i…
hide check-in under me->PerformanceHi All, We are trying to hide 'Check-in's' tab under Me->Performance. We tried using VBCS but coudn't have option to hide. We have unchecked include check-ins on Perform…
How to change the question languageSummary: If an employee have a French preferred languages, he should see the question in French. But it showing in English. Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Not able to change worker to employee using UI TextSummary: Requirement is to change the word 'Worker' to 'Employee'. However, when I do that using UI Text, it gives me the list of all UI text related to 'Worker' word ap…Pragya Chawla-279837 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Performance Management
Do we have an option to auto transfer goals and performance documentSummary: We are looking for the option to auto transfer of goals and performance document for any global transfers through recruitment and also through "change manager "…
How to assign goal plan to employees in bulk using HDLHello Team, Is there any way to assign goal plan to bulk employees using HDL? Thanks, Kusuma Kv
Purging an Archiving Oracle fusion Performance and Goals data in Oracle cloudHello experts, We're checking to see if there's a way for us to purge or archive performance documents and goals data for employees after a specific duration. Even if th…
Best practice to align /cascade goals from VP to employeesSummary: Hi Expert, We have a requirement to align or cascade goals from the top level down to managers and then to their direct reports. While Oracle's goal management …Priyanka T 45 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Saurabh Sonkusare-Oracle Performance Management
Development goal through adminFollowing are the queries for Developmental Goal Is there a Developmental Goal Plan similar to Performance Goals How can an admin create and assign a developmental goal …abhilashblackbox 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Subhitsha_Ganesan Performance Management
Can managers download employee attachments when using All In One evaluations feature?Summary: Is there a way to see employee attachments when a manager is accessing the All In One Evaluations page? Content (required): Hello, I have been testing the new A…Catherine Kelling 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Indranil Chowdhury-Oracle Performance Management
Print of Performance Document - Change Signatures SectionSummary: It is possible change the fields in Print of Performance Document Content (required): Add a time stamp for the Employee Acknowledgement Remove Manager signature…
REST API to get Performance Evaluation Employee RatingsSummary: Do we have any REST API to get Performance Evaluation Employee Ratings? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We need to ge…
Please inform us if is possible to have an API for massive introduction of CompetenciesSummary: Please inform us if is possible to have an API for massive introduction of Competencies in Oracle Fusion (hcm) instead of using Competency requirments Content (…despo palli 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Saurabh Sonkusare-Oracle Performance Management
The Manager Rating field should auto-populate in redwood Performance document.Usually, the manager enters the manager rating into the performance record. Navigation: MY Team> Performance A manager does not need to enter a rating because the manage…