Category 58
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Is it possible to upload goals in the goal library with HSDL or HDL?Summary: Adding multiple goals in library with HDL or HSDL Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we would like to know if it's possible to u…
REDWOOD: Goal notes going for approvalSummary: In Responsive UI, we are able to add Notes to a perf goal without triggering any approval which is our desired behaviour. However in Redwood UI, adding an Updat…
HR admin to have the functionality of editing or deleting the goalsSummary: HR admin to have the functionality of editing or deleting the goal regardless of the stage of the performance document. Content (please ensure you mask any conf…Nikhil Alchetti 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Manager not able to delete employee goalSummary: We have checked and found that Manager is not able to delete goals which is added by employee, but able to delete goals if that is added by themselves. Please s…
Redwood: Need to delete/Remove LOV valuesSummary: Performance Module Navigation: My Team >> Team Goal Center >> Performance » Assign Goal In Select LOV: 1. Need to Delete Dotted Line Reports value 2. Need to Re…Manish_Chauhan 29 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Redwood: Organization Goals approval workflowSummary: Hi All, When a Line Manager creates organizational performance goals, they should be auto-approved, but currently, they are going through the approval process. …Viswarupachari 62 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Goal Redwood: How to make organization goal fields not editable when added by an employee?Hello, We have the following requirement: When an employee has gone to his Explore tab, he can see all the organization goals. Now, if he wants to add an organization go…Tanusha_Ragooah 35 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
How to create Read Only access role for Talent ModuleSummary: We are looking for a role to be given to group of HRs and they must have have read only access to Talent Suite (Goal, Performance, Talent Review, Succession, Ca…
how to set approvals for performance goals set by the line managerSummary: As per the business process: Goals set by the employees should be sent for approval of Line manager and Organization development team. Goals set by the line man…Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Redwood - Organization Goal again triggering approvals even after Line Manager sharedSummary: We have enabled "Organization Goals" and when manager add his/her a Goal and published/shared an Organization Goal and then his team member (employee) went to "…Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
How to rename the Goal Header / Title using VB studioSummary: Hi, I'm trying to modify the Goal Management Header / Titile from 'New Goal' to 'Performance Goal' (Please refer to the highlighted screenshot). Currently, I do…NagoorVali Shaik-Oracle 26 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Title is cut off in share performance documentSummary: When manager is on the share document page the title is cut off, any idea how to fix this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…Daniel Shabra 14 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
How to massively assign Check-IN documents?Hi all, For our client we need to massively allocate the check-in documents. Is it possible to do that? Thanks, AnamariaAnamaria Giura 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
Need to change All worker to employee in Performance ModuleSummary: Hi Expert, As per our client requirement they wants to change only performance module All worker to employee everywhere drop down and label also. Thank you Cont…Faizan Rashid 14 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ajay Kumar Reddy Gondesi Performance Management
change worker to employee within all the notification for the systemSummary: the client requested to change the system notification any template hold the word (Worker) needs to be come (Employee) is there any way to do it once and automa…
Redwood - Intermittent and Persistent Blank PagesSummary: Users are experiencing blank Redwood pages intermittently and persistently, when navigating to different pages within the application. This is in a DEV pod, as …
Can I use nudges for all of my check-ins if we are not using touchpoints?Summary: We currently use check-ins as part of our performance management processes and are looking at moving all of this to Redwoods. Looking at the 24C documentation t…Amy Wilson 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Christine Yokoi-Oracle Performance Management
How to hide "Edit document Dates" and "Share and Retain" button in manager pageSummary: We would like to hide these two buttons in manager's page and apparently the option is not available via VBS. last time we heard that this option is going to be…
Issue with Enabling AI Assist in Feedback SpotlightSummary: We have attempted to enable the AI Assist feature in Feedback Spotlight using VB Studio, where it is available. However, we are encountering an issue as the AI …
Rename the text inside the rating field in summary section for both Employee and ManagerSummary: I am not able to change the text inside the field in summary section where it says Employee Rating and Manager Rating in respective view. For both Employee and …Amit Agarwal OC Dubai-Oracle 5 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Amit Agarwal OC Dubai-Oracle Performance Management
Goal plan not getting assignedSummary: Goal plan is not getting assigned to all the employees eligible as per the eligibility profile created. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Redwood Goals Success Criteria - TablesSummary: For performance goals in RUI, we use tables in the Success Criteria section for most goals and update the success criteria periodically to track progress. In Re…
REDWOOD & VBS: To what extent can we Personalize Redwood talent pagesREDWOOD: To what extent can we Personalize Redwood talent pages more specifically for Goal Plan, Performance documents. Most of the personalization's are not getting mig…
Redwood Bug: Goal Center - Line Manager page - Goal Update page issueSummary: When a Line Manager is checking on the Team Goal center and trying to check the Goal details, under "Update Employee's Progress" (Goal Completion). Content (ple…Mohammed Waseem Akram S 64 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Colin Garside Performance Management
REDWOOD: Not able to request feedback as HR SpecialistSummary: Hi All, Getting the errors in the screenshot below and " An unexpected error occurred" while attempting to request feedback for an employee navigating through M…
Create add edit and delete goals must be restricted in self serviceSummary: In our current project requirement : In PIP performance document, Create, Add, Edit and Delete goals must be restricted in self service, they should be availabl…
can workers request for performance document based on their eligibilitySummary: In our current project : Employees must request for Grievance performance document first based on their eligibility Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
PIP and Grievance Performance DocumentSummary: PIP and Grievance to be developed as BIP reports, and read the data from the system, and populate them in the forms, and it must be visible at the share and ret…
Low, target, overachieved, fields to be displayed for the approvers too in the notificationSummary: Low, target, overachieved, fields boxes which are in performance document goal details to be displayed for the approvers too in the notification Content (please…
In regular PMR cycle, when submitting the Performance document for approval, the edit and delete butSummary: In regular PMR cycle, when submitting the Performance document for approval, the edit and delete buttons must be disabled automatically from both employee and l…