Category 58
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Unable to change from Redwood to Responsive for Performance ManagementHi All, We are currently having issue to change back Redwood pages for Performance Management back to Responsive page. We need to change back because of BAU issues. We h…
Unable to move performance document to completed using Process Mass Action for Performance document.Hi, We are facing an issue where HR is unable to complete the performance document using the Process Mass Action for Performance document option. The performance documen…
Clarification needed for ORA_HRA_SYNCHRONIZED_GOALSSummary: We enabled Redwood Goals and Performance and the Performance template had the checkbox ticked for using sync goals. We tested goals were syncing in our test env…
Why am I unable to search for an employee in performance eligibility page after update 24C redwood?Summary: Unable to search performance eligibility since we updated to Redwood and 24c. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include th…
Pasting text from Word and other common HTML formatting tools into CKEditor (Redwood 25A feature)Summary: We would like to take advantage of the new 25A feature that allows Pasting text from Word and other common HTML formatting tools into CKEditor; however, we are …
Redwood Goals - Number of Performance Goals Employee vs Manager ViewHello, We are having multiple scenarios where an employee submits, for example, 4 performance goals, the manager approves the transaction, and then the line manager is o…
Can you hide the performance rating descriptions from the side panel redwood performance document?Summary: We have a requirement to hide the performance rating descriptions from the side panel when click show goal info in redwood performance document. Content (please…
Inquiry about Employee Goals and Performance Evaluation in OracleSummary: Hi Oracle team, We have a client with a talent management team that follows a specific methodology for measuring employee performance. Here’s how they do it: Go…
Employees are not receiving notification when manager confirm review meetingSummary: We have enabled the performance notification for confirm meeting from both side employee and manager still the employee is not reciving any notification any adv…
Job Effective start date consideration for updating competencies in performance documentHi, I have a case when an employee was in job X during 2024 and in Jan 2025 got promoted to job Y. Now we are creating the performance documents related to period from J…Catherine Abi Samra 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Krishnaveni.B -Oracle Performance Management
sequencing of Questions in Question templateSummary: We have requirement to create a Questionnaire which consists of 60 questions. while creating the Questionnaire template we were able to add the questions in seq…
When Line Manager Assigns his goal to his team, the weight will be zero for his team. Redwood.Summary: Redwood: when Line Manager Assigns one of his goals to his team and that goal has a weight, the goal will be added to them without the weight, any reason for th…Saleh_AlMansouri 16 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Saleh_AlMansouri Performance Management
Goal rest Action errorSummary: when we try to add New goal plan in red wood pages we are facing Multiple errors-we are not able to add performance document type and not able to submit goal pl…
How to send the Goal Plan Assignment Notification manually?Summary: The customer ran the scheduled process to assign the Goal Plan to the employees but forgot to enable notifications. We enabled the notifications and ran the pro…
Character Count on QuestionnairesSummary: We have configured some questions with maximum length of 2000, also the text box is configured as Rich Text Box. When we try to preview these questions in a que…Dominique F Arcega 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Krishnaveni.B -Oracle Performance Management
Alert composer or notification alert for performance documentWe use performance documents for our 90, 180 and 1 year stay interviews and have been using a journey as the form of notification for the manager that it is time to comp…
Provide visibility on other team feedbackSummary: Provide visibility on other team feedback Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we have enabled for our customer the fee…
Creating a competency and proficiency target base on Job function Instead of JobSummary: Has anybody tried using the job function of the employees instead of the job? Currently we are utilizing Job Profile and we dont see any other option to use Job…
Support Needed for Performance Template Access ControlDear Team, We have a requirement related to the Performance Template and its access control. Our business team has created a role that grants access to view the Performa…Jeeva - Cloud Vantage 10 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeeva - Cloud Vantage Performance Management
Employee can't able to see the Goals in goal library drop downSummary: Goal names are loaded in goal library and it is showing in the backend but employee can't able to see the Goals in goal library drop down Content (please ensure…
Error JBO-25058 when manager tries to submit the goal setting phaseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, during the goal setting task, when the manager tries to submit the following error appears: o…
Getting Exception during RestAction error in Explore tab in goals center with custom employee roleSummary: Getting Exception during RestAction error in Explore tab in goals center with custom employee role Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Notifications for Check-ins Displayed in English Instead of ItalianHello team, I’ve encountered an issue with the notifications for the Check-in process in Oracle HCM. Despite setting the notification language to Italian, the notificati…Ilaria Petrosino 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Krishnaveni.B -Oracle Performance Management
Sub-goals within a GoalHello everyone, we are facing an issue related to a client request. Within the scope of goal evaluation, the client asks us to split each individual goal into sub-goals.…
Not Able to Submit Goal Weights UpdateSummary: We have enabled Enforce weights total 100 in the goal plan. When we tried to make updates on the weights for an already approved goal, it showed a message that …
Best Practise for Sub Goal Structure, OKR in Goal Management ?Hello, The customer's request is as follows: Ability to create sub-goals under predetermined parent goals Ability to weight sub-goals based on the specified weight of th…
Value set query to get goals entered by employee in a particular review period and goal planSummary: we need to create a table value set query to get goals entered by employee in a particular review period and goal plan. In value set query how to refer to perso…
I have created the PDP, but the 'Add Attachment' iconSummary: Hi All, I have created the PDP, but the 'Add Attachment' icon and feedback are not showing for the created PDP. Thanks, Anitha Bala Content (please ensure you m…
After 25A unable to submit goals for approvalSummary: After 25A we are noticing there is an error everytime we try submitting a Goal for approval Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…AmbikaAkkiraju 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Revathi Tippabhotla-3965 Performance Management
Can you hide the field "Users Permitted to Delete HR-Assigned Goals"Summary: Hello - are we able to hide the field "Users Permitted to Delete HR-Assigned Goals" so users cannot see this field at all ? Content (please ensure you mask any …