Category 81
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Is there a way to find all data-models that use Bursting?Summary: We are planning a change in Sender Address in our ERP Instance and one of the requirements is to also amend it for all the Bursting reports configured in the sy…
Female turnover rates of DashboardI'd like to ask that if I select the Female as the Gender, how is the female turnover rates calculated? Is the denominator of the ratio in relation to all employees or o…
Convert Fact columns into Measure type in OTBI to get subtotalSummary: Hello, We are building a basic report and we try to view total for Total, Taxable Monthly, Non Tax Monthly etc based on Accounting Date. The issue is that all t…Raluca Balan-Oracle 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gail Langendorf-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Absence type display feature tab attributesGood day! I need help in identifying what is/are the table source/s for the items boxed in red below… it is in the Display Features tab in Absence Type: TIA.notautomni9 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajinikanth Sridharan-Oracle HCM-Oracle Workforce Management
How to link absence details and payroll detailsSummary: Hi all We need a report that provides absence details along with the payroll elements processed based on those absences. Specifically, for the OFFICIAL TRIP abs…Shameer Muhammed P M 12 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Shameer Muhammed P M Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Reporting Agent failed with error message SQLSetStmtAttrWSummary: We have reporting agents set up which all ran into error, when normally no issues. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have report…
Virus Scanner Not Reachable - Unable to Archive Files in My Folders / Shared FoldersSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We are encountering an issue when trying to archive files in My Folders and Shared Folders. E…Sankalp Shukla 176 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sankalp Shukla Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Licenses & Certs appearing on OTBI report but not seen in systemSummary: We are seeing a few different scenarios where our OTBI report is pulling in active (not expired) Content Items for employees, but we're not seeing them represen…Jessica D 60 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sivakumaran Muthusamy-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
25A New Feature : View Journeys Analytics - How to hide response Summary buttonSummary: We need to hide the Response Summary button, where Oracle soak testing confirmed this can not be handled by privileges, they told to raise SR and SR redirected …
How to Customize the sub-template for AbsenceApprovalNotificationTemplate?I want to change a couple of words in the content of "AbsenceApprovalNotificationTemplate" workflow notification. As the required place was not found in the AbsenceAppro…
How to add Role in the Parameters in the Absence Workflow?Summary: Setup a Workflow in Absence wherein we need to check if the initiator of the Absence Entry is a User that has a Specific Role. Requestor's Role Details is not a…
We need to get Timecard reason on like WFH or Client Site and so onWe need to get Timecard reason on like WFH or Client Site and so on please help with relevant tables
Primary keysSummary: Is there any document listing the Primary keys to be joined in the fscm oracle pvo ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inc…Lauriane Massin Whitaker 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Bhaskar Konar Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Report on Messages sent to Candidates using a message templateSummary: Content (required): I'm looking to report on Email messages sent to candidates who've submitted a job application. Any thoughts on which subject area/dimension …Susan Anderson 45 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Lee Charleton Reporting and Analytics for HCM
OTBI - Performance Subject area & field to pull Evaluation Topics, Perfomance and Core Value ratingsSummary: We need a report that pulls the manager ratings and comments from the Evaluation Topics section for the performance and core values. Content (please ensure you …
Issue with the candidates merged record getting pulled into the OTBI reportSummary: We have built an OTBI candidate report to pull candidates in certain phases and states, we are excluding rejected by employer and withdrawn by candidate. We hav…
BIP error oracle.xdo11g.xqxp.XQException: FORG0001Summary: BIP error oracle.xdo11g.xqxp.XQException: FORG0001 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! We have run into error for…Parag Hiremath 82 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Parag Hiremath Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Career Site Metrics ReportSummary: Does anyone have Career Site metrics report based on Candidate Tracking subject area in OTBI? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Doe…
What Oracle IP address(es) should be provided to recipients of reports via SFTP delivery option?Summary: We need to provide IP addresses to an external third party so that they can whitelist them in order to successfully receive BI Publisher reports directly from O…BeachDreamer 224 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathleen Nguyen Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Task Performer name in Workforce Management - Checklist Real Time is blank in OTBISummary: Task Performer name in Workforce Management - Checklist Real Time is blank in OTBI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): If the Task pe…AvinashP 24 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Is Oracle BI Publisher Desktop Plug-In freeSummary: The Oracle BI Publisher Desktop Add-In, which can be downloaded to work with MS Word and Excel, requires a separate license for installation on machines. We are…
Requirement for Custom QuerySummary: Hi Experts! We had a requirement from the customer to have a role which would grant access only to CONTRACTOR records and should satisfy the following condition…
Dies anyone know the table and field for "Enrollment Type Description" in OBTI Learning?Summary: Does anyone know is what the table and field that correspond to "Enrollment Type Description" and/or "Enrollment Type" in OBTI. Specifically under "Workforce Le…
How/Query/Report to identify HCM/Finance Admin privileges from the user rolesSummary: Hi Experts, We need to identify the roles which are having the admin privileges. Is there a way to pull this data from a query or the application? Thanks in adv…
Unable to see all privileges in Security - Roles and Privileges Real Time SAWhen I am trying to fetch roles & their respective privileges from subject area(Security - Roles and Privileges Real Time). It is not fetching all the privileges. Can so…SHRUTI PRIYA 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Succession Plan ReportHow to view All Private succession plan available in system in OTBI ?prags 63 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Need inputs to fetch balance "Reference" field value against balance dimensionSummary: Need inputs to fetch balance "Reference" field value against balance dimension Content (required): In the Employee Payroll balance results we are able to see Ba…
Is it possible to report on Workforce Compensation Change Statement Volumes executed by managers?Summary: We have our Compensation Change statements configured to Printed and delivered by managers, we would like to monitor and report on how many managers are accessi…Adam_Cantwell 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adam_Cantwell Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Scheduling analysis for last day of monthSummary: Analysis schedules for end of month Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi everyone, Is there a way to schedule reports (analysis) in…
BIP Report schedule to send data only when it has dataSummary: I want to schedule a BIP Report daily but it only send the report if there is a data in the report. If the report does not have any data, it will skip. Content …Haikal Hamdan 25 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anusha Bhat-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM