100 Ways to Use Formula Fields
Does such a document exist for NetSuite?
OR can people here start posting a few useful samples? I have 2 here that I find useful, do you have some to share?
1. Formula to give the day name for a date on a custom record eg. Monday for use in a search;
Formula: (Text)
TO_CHAR ({custrecordname_date}, 'DAY - DD Mon')
2. Formula to compare and display variance as a percentage between 2 custom record values;
Formula (Percent) Summary Type "Group" Function Round to Hundredths "Average"
ROUND ( ({custrecord_value1} / {custrecord_value2} - 1.00 ) * 100, 2)
I understand that many admins know and love SQL but what about the rest of us? A tip sheet with a 100 examples (or more!) like this would be very good.