Saved Search: Are values specified in Available Filters accessible in Formulas?
There are a number of examples of saved searches that use formulas to create columns for Monthly Sales totals.
Typically something like CASE WHEN TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYYMM')='201511' then {quantity} ELSE 0 END. Or something comparable with DECODE.
Next level of sophistication would be to replace the hardcoded '201511' with something like to_char(add_months({today},+1),'YYYYMM') which would allow you to build a set of rolling buckets extending X months out from {today} . That I can handle.
Next jump would be to support rolling buckets not based on {today}. If the search has an Available Filter like trandate On or After and the users chooses June 1, 2014 is there any way to access that date (i.e., June 1, 2014) and use it in a Formula? I'm envisioning something like {availablefilter.rangestartdate}.