Daylight Savings Timeframe Change for US
As some of you are aware, the Energy Policy Act changes the timeframe for when the US moves to Daylight Savings Time (DST).
We wanted to assure you that NetSuite has completed both data center/operations level testing and application level testing in order to be prepared for this change. All necessary patches are in place and we have found all NetSuite hosted application services to be in compliance with the new DST changes - the first of which occur on March 11, 2007.
An important note for our customers using Microsoft Outlook:
You will need to make sure you have applied the necessary patches to Outlook yourself since that is something running on your desktop and not within our control. If Outlook is not patched for the DST change and NetSuite transitions smoothly as expected on March 11th, you may see a mismatch in email, event and task times between the two systems if you're using Intellisync or the NetSuite Outlook Email integration. But please be aware that because GMT is used in both systems, this mismatch is just a display issue and once you apply the necessary patches to Outlook, everything