Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Version 2012 Release 1 is Almost Here—Get Ready with Your Preview Account
NetSuite is pleased to announce Version 2012 Release 1 of its product family, including NetSuite, NetSuite OneWorld, NetSuite Financials, NetSuite Ecommerce and NetSuite CRM+.
Please plan to take advantage of your Release Preview access period to help prepare for Release 2012.1 and become familiar with the new capabilities.
As with previous releases, groups of customers will be upgraded to Release 2012.1 over time (in phases). The first upgrade phase starts in late January and the final upgrade phase ends in early March. Note that all customers will have access to their account for Version 2012.1 Release Preview and no opt-in process is required.
Your release information is now available in the New Release Portlet on the Home tab of your NetSuite account