Unintended Deletion of Mappings in the OpenAir-NetSuite Integration
Please note that some accounts may have been impacted by a defect resulting in unintended deletion of mappings in the OpenAir-NetSuite integration, occurring between approximately 10:30 pm Eastern 6/5/2019 and 11:00 am Eastern June 8, 2019.
During this period, mappings associated with disabled features for your account in the integration were removed on any save of the integration form, as they were considered invalid and unneeded.
Unfortunately, the scope of the removal was greater than intended and some valid mappings may have been removed. OpenAir is unable to distinguish between mappings which may have been removed intentionally versus those that were removed by the defect. We are contacting you, who we see in our monitoring as a Customer who may have had mappings deleted during the period, to inform you of how to resolve this condition in your account.
@Robert Nedelkow-Oracle | NetSuite Support Community Administrator
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