AsiaPay Direct or Asia Pay External Checkout: Upgrade to SHA25
This notice applies to customers who are using the Payment Gateway Processing SuiteApp. This SuiteApp is using the SHA1 secure hash algorithm with the AsiaPay Direct or AsiaPay External Checkout payment gateways.
Note: If you are not using the AsiaPay Direct and AsiaPay External Checkout, then this notification does not apply to you, and you have no required actions.
If you have not already upgraded to the SHA256 secure hash algorithm, you must upgrade now to avoid security vulnerabilities.
What is Changing?
Currently, the secure hash algorithm of your AsiaPay Direct or AsiaPay External Checkout is set to SHA1. (Payment gateways other than AsiaPay Direct and AsiaPay External do not use SHA1).
@Robert Nedelkow-Oracle | NetSuite Support Community Administrator
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