Action Required for Mexico Localization SuiteApp
This notice applies to customers who use the Mexico Localization SuiteApp (Bundle ID # 373485) and have SuiteTax enabled.
What is Changing?
Some formulas in the Mexico DIOT files have been updated. The generation of the Mexico DIOT file is not yet supported as part of the Mexico Localization SuiteApp using SuiteTax Reports. Customers can use SuiteAnalytics Workbooks as a workaround to obtain the information to generate Vendor Bill and Expense Report files. The extracted data extracted through the SuiteAnalytics Workbooks needs to be manually added to the SAT DIOT application.
In the updated DIOT files, only the IVA retenido por el contribuyente
@Robert Nedelkow-Oracle | NetSuite Support Community Administrator
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