OpenAir | Mandatory Migration to SAML Self-Service
With the October 2022.2 release, OpenAir now provides a SAML Self-Service Metadata import feature. The prior method of SAML Metadata imports (‘legacy’) is being deprecated, effective June 5, 2023, and will completely stop working with OpenAir’s 2023.2 release. Any customer currently using SAML must enable SAML Self-Service, and perform an import of SAML Metadata via the Self-Service feature to create a SAML profile using the new endpoint format provided by the Self-Service feature. The ‘legacy’ profile must then be de-activated, and the newly created profile activated. Due to internal requirements, the timelines provided will be strictly enforced.
Please share this notification with your IT/technical staff to ensure their awareness of these important changes.
@Robert Nedelkow-Oracle | NetSuite Support Community Administrator
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