End of Support for RSA PKCSv1.5 Scheme for OAuth 2.0
This notice is intended for customers who are using the RSA PKCSv1.5 scheme in your algorithm for token signing for the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow. The support for this scheme is ending October 1, 2024. It is still possible to use this scheme until October 1, 2024, but you should update your integrations as soon as possible.
What is Changing?
For security reasons, the support is ending for the RSA PKCSv1.5 scheme in algorithms for token signing for the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow. As of October 1, 2024, integrations using the RSA PKCSv1.5 scheme will no longer work
Required Actions
Before October 1, 2024, you should update your integrations to use the RSA-PSS scheme. The length of the RSA key must be 3072 bits, or 4096 bits. Alternatively, you can use EC key instead. The length of the EC key must be 256 bits, 384 bits, or 521 bits.
@Robert Nedelkow-Oracle | NetSuite Support Community Administrator
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