Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Available Filter in Search to enable CONTAINS
I have a search I create that is bring back a list of customer records including a sub-record of reps assigned.
When I add the "reps assigned" to the available filter, it only brings up a list of:
- All-
- Unassigned -
- Mine -
- My Team
I would like to have the available filter use a contains for the sales rep (e.g. I can enter "Smith" for anyone with the first or last name "Smith").
I have my search results include a FORMULA (TEXT) field that brings back the name of the rep as a text value versus a record. But I can't find a way to have that formula field show in the "available filters" for someone to enter "Smith" in to get a list back that meets that contains search. The available filter list itself is set to "contains" so any fields I add that are text based (versus record based) work exactly as I want... I just can't seem to get the rep to show that way.