MasterCard Pre & Final Authorization Mandate Notification
I rec'd the email below from CyberSource about this in July, but haven't heard if this is something that NetSuite is going to take care of, or if we will have to do this ourselves somehow. Anyone have any ideas?
Dear Customer,
RE: MasterCard ‘pre’ & ‘final’ authorization mandate
We are taking this opportunity to inform you that MasterCard has changed the definition of an auth request from a single one-type-fits-all transaction to three different types of authorization, each with different rules - "Pre", "Final" and "Undefined" auths. MasterCard has also defined strict timelines to clear or reverse transactions based on authorization type. This mandate affects all authorizations performed on MasterCard, Debit MasterCard, Maestro, and Cirrus transactions globally, though the requirements and timelines vary by region*. By changing your payment flows to comply with the MasterCard revised authorization and preauthorization rules you can avoid unnecessary non-compliance fees from your