Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
How to store statistical information regarding the specific data (data usage, FTE info)?
For example, the our business has various KPIs that we would like to keep in the system (on a monthly basis) such as no of churn, no of minutes people have spoken or the volume of data that was used. In these case how do we keep these KPIs? Do we manage it by GLs (note we have a few of them in the system already - starting at 10000) or something similar to items (I believe we have a number of units in the system) ?
2. How do we manage the data ? We have FTE information we would like to keep in the system - which shows how many people a specific team has for the period. Let's say the no of people were 5 in Apr 2023 and increased to 6 in May 2023. In these case in order to be reported monthly figure of Apr 23- 5 and May 23 - 6, do we post 5 into April 23 and 1 into May 2023 - assuming the balance changes like a financial transaction or do we post 6 to May 2023?