Suitescript 1.0 vs. 2.x search performance
does anyone have experience if changing a Suitescript 1.0 script into 2.x will significantly increase the performance of search APIs?
The reason I'm asking is, we have a Suitelet script I made in Suitescript 1.0 that performs two searches (item search + transaction search) and combines the results before displaying them to the user.
The script takes too long to load, usually around 5-7s but sometimes it becomes 10-15s and occasionally we even get a timeout. Is this something that could be fixed by upgrading the script to 2.x?
Doing some debugging I found that the transaction search is the culprit and takes >90% of the total processing time. There are currently around 1,800 search results which are handled using nlapiCreateSearch, nlobjSearch.runSearch and then two calls of nlobjSearch.getResults with maximum 1,000 results each. Those two calls of getResults() take up almost 50% each of the script runtime.