Saved Search displayed in Suitelet--Amount remaining on PO to be displayed
Hi There
i am trying to create a suitelet which shows the amount remaining on a purchase order and shows the detail by project the PO line is coded to.
For example
Project | Total Vendor Bills | Total Purchase Orders |
PRJ123 | 75000 | 5000 |
The total vendor bills figure is made up of invoice:
AAINV001, $35000
AAINV002, $40000
There is a single purchase order:
PO001, which is $80,000 against project PRJ123.
For the purposes of this suitelet, the $5,000 shown under 'Total Purchase Orders' is calculated as the Total Purchase Order coded against the project less the Total Billed against the purchase orders.
However, I cannot see a way of doing this as using the sum of purchase orders less the sum of billing amounts against the purchase orders returnings $80,000.