NetSuite Custom API for Publish Attachment
Greeting Gurus,
i have my script to push attachment and then tie it to a given JournalEntry
@NApiVersion 2.1
if (!fileName || typeof fileName !== 'string') {
throw error.create({
message: 'Invalid or missing filename'
const extension = fileName.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
log.debug('getFileType', 'Detected extension: ' + extension);
// Map of supported file types
const fileTypeMap = {
'txt': 'PLAINTEXT',
'pdf': 'PDF',
'csv': 'CSV',
'xls': 'EXCEL',
'xlsx': 'EXCEL',
'doc': 'WORD',
'docx': 'WORD',
'jpg': 'JPEG',
'jpeg': 'JPEG',
'png': 'PJPGNG',
'gif': 'GIF'
if (!fileTypeMap[extension]) {
throw error.create({
message: `Unsupported file extension: ${extension}`
// Get the file type constant
const fileType = file.Type[fileTypeMap[extension]];