My Stuff
Since this field is going to be used as a temporary value for the client form script making it non-stored did the trick. Thanks.
I'll try that..thanks!
thanks for the info!
on a similar note..can I create a message in a script and then associate it with a project (job) so that it shows up in the "messages" list? Thanks, Rob.
Yes we are using subjobs. We are trying to setup either a saved search or a custom portlet that will show all subjobs for a given parent job.
Creating enhancement requests and voting on them (in addition to posting here) is the only way we learn about these things. Why not try building applications based on your own API? "Tasting your own recipie" as the saying goes. One of the reasons we had to abandon NetSuite (along with a whole host of other reasons) was…
That's an idea we've toyed with in the past, but the big drawback is the potential waiting. Internet users don't like to wait, and NetSuite's Web Service already responds quite slowly--queuing the calls would make it even slower. This is just not a feasible option for us. We have a similar problem in that our users demand…
I created a Project saved search with a "contact" search field. I tried to search using several contacts associated with a project but the search routine failed to return any results.
As an addendum the following code works going the other way around, whereby I can search for all the contacts associated with a job: var arrSearchFilter = new Array(); arrSearchFilter[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter('internalid', 'customer', 'equalTo', jobId); var arrSearchCols = new Array(); arrSearchCols[0] = new…
Thats good to know. Thanks!
I'm going to see if I can use web services to achieve what I am looking for
I'll try this out. Thanks for your help!
Hope you dont mind me asking, what software will you be using? We've decided to keep our original custom solution and enhance that instead of migrating to NetSuite.
Not being able to do a complete backup/restore of our data at any time is one of the main reasons we are moving away from netsuite.