My Stuff
Thanks. That worked. I don't understand yet why the Saved Search Criteria/Results tabs only have the Status field available, not Document Status. In other words, I can search for Status = "Released", and display Results for Status and see "Released". But I see now that System Notes is using the Document Status field. Oh…
The default Work Order status is Planned. They are manually changed to Released when we are ready to build. The date they are changed to Released is what I am trying to return in a Saved Search. If System Notes does not record this, then I'll probably have to find another way to get it through some customization.
Adding the criteria: System Notes : Field is Status, and System Notes : New Value is Released: Returns no results: Searching for Work Orders with Status = Released: Returns Work Orders with Status = Released:
Hi Mauricio, That's what I suspected. I knew I could run two Saved Searches and then compare in Excel but was hoping to avoid it, and still being somewhat new to NetSuite I thought I may be overlooking something. Thank you for your help!
Yes, the search worked. Thanks!
Hi Nicole, Thank you for taking the time to answer. I have already checked out the video training you linked to. I only gave a snip of the code, not the whole script. Here's what's above it: /** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType UserEventScript */ define(['N/search', 'N/record'], function() { function…
Hello @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle, No, the Custom Field is a Custom List/Record list, it is not the Class list. I'll have to think about a different approach.
Hi @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle, I did think that might be an option, but when I tried it doesn't seem to work like I thought it would. It appears that the Fields in the dropdown list are the same type as the Item Class field. The Field I'm trying to use isn't in the list.
@JohnCirocco Hi John. I'm trying to use a single Value Field, so the formula = {custitem_thms_product_category_item}
Thank you! I would never thought of looking for hidden characters but that makes sense now. I removed the two you identified and the Saved Search works now. Best, Bryan
Dominica, That worked! Thank you for pointing me to the Memo field. I'm slowly learning the non-obvious NetSuite field names. Memo = Description. Got it.
Hi Joy, Thank you for the suggestion. I see that from the Bill of Materials Revision search perspective I can find Inventory Items used. And from there I can identify those Items in a search result of all Inventory Items. The approach I was investigating was to use an Item search, Type = Inventory Item, and then add a…