My Stuff
@Kristoffer Viray-Oracle please see the requested screenshot.
@Kristoffer Viray-Oracle Yes, that is correct. The body of the email does not display the value of {old.line.expectedreceiptdate}.
Hello @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle , Thank you for the confirmation. Kind regards Christopher
That's great, many thanks for your response Jack! Kind regards Christopher
Thank you ever so much for your response. I needed to alter your code as the payment amount was still being deducted on every additional charge line. The following now works perfectly: I really appreciate your support on this issue. Kind regards Christopher
Hi @Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle Thank you for your response. Yes, this thread gave me the solution I required. Kind regards Christopher
Dear @Pauline Joy Cac-Oracle In calculating the balance I also needed to subtract any payment amounts. I have attempted various syntax variations to <bal=bal?number+line.charge> to also subtract line.payment but they all return an error. Can you please provide me with the correct method? Many thanks in advance Kind regards…
Dear @Pauline Joy Cac-Oracle, Thank you ever so much for resolving my issue with your comprehensive response. It is very much appreciated! Kind regards Christopher
Hello @Pauline Joy Cac-Oracle and @Jack Daryl Espiel-Oracle, I appreciate you must be extremely busy, but I would really appreciate some advice on how to proceed with my issue of being unable to convert a string to a number? Many thanks in advance Kind regards Christopher
I have resolved my own issue by doing the following: Setup Custom List (customlist_country_of_origin_list): Values = UK, Poland, Lituania etc… Setup Custom Item Field (custitem_country_of_origin): Type = List/Record List/Record = Country of Origin List Store Value = Checked Applies To = Inventory Item & Kit/Package Setup…
Hi @Pauline Joy Cac-Oracle, @Jack Daryl O Espiel-Oracle, Do you have any idea on how I can get around this issue? Kind regards Christopher
Thank you ever so much for your response @Shamaine Chan-Oracle Yes, all working now. Even thought I had the Shipping Tab set to Show, I had neglected to select the options on the Screen Fields tab. Many thanks once again and kind regards Christopher
Hi Jack, I have worked out the syntax to convert the date of the the sortcolumn field as below: <#assign linestblwsortcol = linestblwsortcol + [tbl + {"sortcolumn":"${tbl.datecol?string('MM/dd/yyyy')}${tbl.description}"}] /> This now sorts my report correctly. Many thanks once again for your invaluable assistance! Kind…
Hello Jack, Thank you ever so much for your comprehensive response! I have implemented your code example, which works except my default date format is DD/MM/YYYY so it groups all the same days of each month together, unlike your example of grouping each month separately. 07/12/2020 Invoice #IN0017203 07/12/2020 Invoice…