My Stuff
Ok Thank you Sho!!
Hi Shorin, I had not, and naturally it is what I was looking for…. One question, would you know how I could add the date the change was made? Thank you very much for pointing this out!
Hi All, RC Meron for NS Support was able to assist. I was missing the Parameters in the sublist of the scripts. Here is the reply in full. Thank you all for your help. "Hi Dallas, I was troubleshooting this on my end, and for the parameters from the Suitelet to be brought over to the Map/Reduce scripts, there are two…
Hi Richard, Thank you for replying, so were you able to do what I am attempting successfully? I assumed it was something I was doing wrong, I hadn't considered contacting support about it, but especially if it worked for you, I should open a ticket. Thank you, Dallas
Here is the map/reduce that correctly deletes the supply plans when the parameters are hardcoded, but I can not seem to get the suitelet to relay the information.
Hi Richard, Thank you for responding! Do you think it is something wrong with the script or does it seem like it should work? I am a little confused by your reply. Thank you, Dallas
Hi @Dext3r, How do I get my search to display the formulas correctly if I do not use the summary? I have tried multiple times with no luck. Maybe I am missing something, this is my search, the result and the edit results tab. I am trying to populate the Average daily sales (during our busy season) to the custom field…
Hi @Nicole Melendy-Oracle & @Dext3r, Thank you both for replying! I was trying to make the changes recommended from the other thread and it worked for the Item Internal ID. Dext3r, you are correct about the item type, this has been causing me the issue now. My search is of all inventory items, including Serial & Lot…
Hi Patrick, Yes that is correct, there is a custom field “Tip amount test”. as for the tax group, is it possible to use the PST to collect the non claimable GST to achieve the end goal?
Hi Patrick, The tips are very common in North America, basically it is usually an extra 12 -20% of the bill for food that is for the server or the delivery person. It is tax exempt, so it can not be part of the subtotal, but having a separete line is non- desirable either. Here is a break down of the current steps (see…
Hi @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle, I am testing it now, it seems like it will work. I am just working with my controller to line up the GL accounts to match. Do you have any suggestions on a good way to handle tips & gratuities? Thank you, Dallas
Hi @Elychelle Gulen-Oracle, It worked! I can not save the import or it fails, but as long as I map it fresh each time as indicated, it imports correctly. Thank you!!! Dallas
Hi Angela, Ok, so then I have tried that and still running into issue. Any other ideas what it might be? Thank you, Dallas
Hi @Angela Bayliss , Thank you so much for that, I am not sure I fully understand though. I am working with the monthly import, So would it not be the first day of the month? Thank you, Dallas
Hi @Elychelle Gulen-Oracle, I was worried that was the case. So what do comapnies do when they move physical locations? This has to be a fairly common thing. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you, Dallas
Hi @Elychelle Gulen-Oracle Thank you for replying! I am not sure I clarified correctly though. In our "Calgary Branch", we currently are operating with the inventory location "Calgary Warehouse" which has several years of sales history that we use for Demand planning. I am planning on opening a new inventory location for…
Hi Ely, Thank you for your response. What if it was more simple, what if it was just a list per day of the year that showed what items had 0 available on that day. Would that be possible? For example October 2 2023 the following items were unavailable to sell that day: -widget 1 -widget 2 -widget 3 Etc. Please let me know,…
Hi Niks, Please see the attached screenshots of the search I have.
Hi Niks, my apologies I am away from the office until next Wednesday. I will send it right away when I get back. Thank you!!
Hi Niks, thank you for looking into it. I do currently have a saved search that shows me what is in a specific bin, it just doesn’t seem to work for a few of my bins. @Ivy Lopez-Oracle you had previously assisted me with this but I can not find the specific conversation. Do you have any ideas what might be going on here?…
Hi Niks, Thank you for replying! I tried what you suggested (minus the status, I am guessing you are referring to inventory status which we do not have enabled). This seems to show only serial or lot-numbered items and a list of everything that has ever been in the bin. Please let me know if I missed something. Here is a…
Hi Ellyxzer, Thank you for your help! I can make this work. Warm regards, Dallas
Hi Ivy, You figured it out again! Thank you so much, as always YOU ROCK! 🤩
Hi Ivy, Thank you for the advice, it took me a bit but I did figure out what is happening. I just do not know how to fix it. There were only 639 sales orders, however when I exported it, I realized that it duplicated the SO internal ID for every separate item in the transaction. Here is a screenshot of a perfect example.…
Hi Ivy, Awesome to work with you again 🤩 Please see the attached search I use to see who wrote what order. I made sure all fields you mentioned are there. Thank you Ivy!! Dallas
I was making it way harder than it had to be, thank you again @Ivy Lopez-Oracle
Oh my gosh Ivy, Is it really that easy?? I will try it shortly, but I will be some kind of embarrassed!
Hi @Ivy Lopez-Oracle & @Tiru Chembeti, It worked just as we hoped! Thank you so much and I apologize for the delay in letting you know.
@kastnerd how does your suggestion work? Would you please elaborate?
Hi All thank you for replying. Here are the screenshots of a current example. Please let me know what you think, hopefully there is a way to link or automate this that I am unaware of. It just seems so strange that there is such a defined way to link other transactions but nothing for this.