My Stuff
Hello @User_SCYT4, I wanted to check in to make sure you didn't miss my previous message. If you require any more help, please don't hesitate to reach out. If not, please let us know by clicking the “Yes” button for “Did this answer the question?” below, you’ll be able to help the community members who might have a similar…
Hello @User_QVLQ3, Good day and thank you for posting this new thread! Hello everyone! We kindly seek your support. Your active participation in aiding a fellow member is genuinely appreciated.
Hello @Manoj Bolinjkar, Thank you for posting in the NetSuite Support Community! Hello everyone! Your expertise and knowledge are greatly appreciated, and we ask that you kindly offer your support. Your participation and willingness to assist a fellow member are sincerely appreciated.
Hello @Michael Shparber, Apologies. I dug deeper and it is still not supported in the current version of NetSuite. You may request this field to be available for Journal Entries by filing a SuiteIdea. To navigate to the SuiteIdeas page: Navigate to Support > Support Overview On the Support Overview page: Scroll down and…
Hi @Michael Shparber, Good day. Amortization Schedule field is available in the transactionline table of with the field ID: amortizationsched. Here's a shortcut URL to Setup > Records Catalog in NetSuite, just change the account_id to your NetSuite account ID:…
Hello @User_SCYT4, Good day. For your use case, you can use SuiteScript's N/https Module to send an outbound HTTP request from NetSuite into your 3rd party system. You can find some sample scripts for N/https module in SuiteAnswers N/https Module Script Samples.
Hello @User_FAYZB, Good day and thank you for posting this new thread! Hello everyone! We kindly seek your support. Your active participation in aiding a fellow member is genuinely appreciated.
Hola @franklinagbr, En este caso, sería mejor que el soporte de NetSuite investigara esto, ya que podría tratarse de un defecto potencial. Están mejor equipados para investigar problemas intermitentes. Le hemos enviado un correo electrónico solicitando la información de su cuenta. Por favor responda para que podamos…
Hello @mstemp, Good day. Try enclosing the values in a single quote instead of a double quote. I tested and verified this on my end. Please see screenshot below. I hope this helps! If you find this reply to your question useful, others might as well. By clicking the “Yes” button for “Did this answer the question?” below,…
Hello @Víctor Troncoso, Good day. Upon checking, encode.convert(options) does not support this type of encoding yet. As of now, these are the only available enum for encode.Encoding: UTF_8 BASE_16 BASE_32 BASE_64 BASE_64_URL_SAFE HEX However, you may file it as a SuiteIdea so that our engineers can consider it for…
Hola @franklinagbr, Buen día. ¿Este error se produjo después de una actualización o algún cambio en su cuenta?
Hola @User_W66UK, Thank you for posting in the NetSuite Support Community! Hello everyone! Your expertise and knowledge are greatly appreciated, and we ask that you kindly offer your support. Your participation and willingness to assist a fellow member are sincerely appreciated.
Hello @Constantly Confused.., Good day and thank you for posting this new thread! Hello everyone! We'd greatly appreciate your support in this matter.
Hello @James Davy, Good day. We cannot provide scripts from scratch, especially one potentially involving DOM manipulation. However, I can provide you several SuiteIdeas requesting for this feature to be available in NetSuite: 177751 Suitelets > Repeat sublist header during scroll 133105 Transaction > Add Multiple - freeze…
Hola ,@franklinagbr, Buen día. 1. ¿Esto ocurre en un registro o en varios? 2. ¿Está actualizada la SuiteApp Rebate Management/Rebate and Trade Promotions en su cuenta de NetSuite? 3. ¿Hay algún cambio reciente en el script mencionado en el error? (customscript_nsts_rm_linevaldnrebates_cs) Gracias!
Happy to help!
Happy to help!
Congratulations! Thank you very much for your contributions to the community.
Hello @User_BQX47, Good day. These SuiteAnswers articles provide several suggestions and key considerations for NetSuite integrations: API Limits REST API Known Limitations Optimize the API Integration Here's an excerpt from REST API Known Limitations: Number of objects The API returns a maximum of 1,000 objects per…
Hello @emdomingo, Good day. Upon checking Setup > Records Catalog in the NetSuite UI, lastmodifieddate field is not yet exposed for the supportCase record in SuiteQL. You may file this as a SuiteIdea if you'd like. To navigate to the SuiteIdeas page: Navigate to Support > Support Overview On the Support…
Hi @Jose Luis Sobrino Iturrizaga, Good day. Upon checking, Enhancement 84717 is not yet implemented. For now, please refer to the alternative solution provided by Leonard. To support this Enhancement, you can cast your vote on the SuiteIdeas page by following the instructions provided in SuiteAnswers Article: 10054: Voting…
Hello @michael.vega, Glad to hear it's working now. And thank you for sharing the solution that worked for you! Have a good one.
Hi @michael.vega, I wanted to check in to make sure you didn't miss my previous message. If you require any more help, please don't hesitate to reach out. If not, please let us know by clicking the “Yes” button for “Did this answer the question?” below, you’ll be able to help the community members who might have a similar…
Hello @CrisH7, Good day! An Identity Provider (IdP) metadata file is downloaded from Okta (the Identity Provider) and is uploaded into NetSuite (the Service Provider) when configuring SAML SSO. This metadata file contains information about each SSO entity (URLs, protocols supported, certificates etc.). The IdP's metadata…
Hello @michael.vega, This may be due to the incompatible search operator used. I checked the saved search filter in the NetSuite UI and Any Of is not listed as an operator for custom integer fields as shown in the screenshot below. you may have to use Equal To instead. For more information, you may visit search.Operator. I…
Hi @emcee_uk, Thank you for posting in the NetSuite Support Community! Hello everyone! Your expertise and knowledge are greatly appreciated, and we ask that you kindly offer your support. Your participation and willingness to assist a fellow member are sincerely appreciated.
Hello @Elina Kourouzidou, Good day and thank you for posting this new thread! Hello everyone! We kindly seek your support. Your active participation in aiding a fellow member is genuinely appreciated.
Hello @Vishnu M, Good day and thank you for posting this new thread! Hello everyone! We kindly seek your support. Your active participation in aiding a fellow member is genuinely appreciated.
Hello @Dext3r, Good day and thank you for posting this new thread! Hello everyone! We'd greatly appreciate your support in this matter.
Hello @User_BQX47, Good day and thank you for posting this new thread! Hello everyone! We kindly seek your support. Your active participation in aiding a fellow member is genuinely appreciated.