My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
What do you mean by "During the BPO creation, you configure the schedule by specifying the lead time required for each item or service."
Yes, it's checked. So that we can create purchase orders for the Inventory/Assembly items.
Demand Source: Forecast Consumption Supply Lot Sizing Method: Lot For Lot How many items are affected? Not sure the exact numbers, I checked out the supply plan, order created = Yes, but no Order numbers.
Thanks Wee, very helpful.
Thanks Jeremy, you are right. The reason is, I'm using Classic Center for the sales role. It worked, after I clear the "User Classic Interface" Checkbox.
Hi Jeremy, I know it's strange. Because I published this dashboard to a few roles, only one role has this kind of issue. It worked for other roles. And, lock shortcuts worked, but lock new bar didn't. Not sure whether we can have a quick Zoom or not. My Oracle Email is redacted. Let me know if you are okay with it. Then I…
Hi Jeremy, Here are the steps: use role with permission to publish dashboard, set up the dashboard then publish. select lock new bar and select the roles to apply to and the tabs. Save. log out and log in again, use the new role to test the published dashboard, found the new bar is not locked.
Hi Jeremy, all the things I have done, but still not working. Below is my screenshot. I chose to override existing user's settings.
Hi At least one state is needed in workflow, and we call it single-state workflow. You could not delete it if it's the only one state in your workflow.
Thanks Patrick, very detailed explanation.
Hi Patrick, here you go.
hi Patrick, I created the billing schedule from Project, and associated it with the sales order generated from project. I didn't change anything except DATE in sales order. The billing schedule in sales order just were populated automatically from project. I'm using Fixed Bid, interval billing schedule.
Hi Tigran, I'm using project billing type, and I want to have my invoices generated using Fixed bid, interval billing schedule. It's strange that the billing schedule generated seems being distributed by days in month, but not correct days in Month.
Thanks Nicole.
Hi Nicole, can you please check out the help center about "Standard centers". it's included in classic center.
Thanks team, but it's quite a long time. I could not find out my workflow instances any more. Team, you can close this case, or use it as another question thread for others.
Hi Lea, it's a common point to check out whether we have the workflow instances. I reviewed the article 74853 and tried to remove all instance and history, but the field can't be deleted still. Thanks for your advice.
Hi Nicole, One of my friends told me to use SuiteScript 2.0. And I already solved this issue. Thanks.
Thanks Joy, I think currently we don's have a perfect solution about it.
Thanks Tiru.
Hi Micah, I mean, for example, can I split the asset and specify the transaction date as 2023/04/01?
Hi Miguel, My customer has some electronic components. They want to reduce the inventory value due to closing to expiration date.
Hi Micah, I mean the transaction date. for example, when we run depreciation or revaluation, we select the transaction date. But I didn't see the transaction date while spliting assets.
Thanks Gaurav, very creative idea.
How about editing the asset record, and change the quantity to more than 1? And split the assets? Do we need to be careful about this operation? Thanks.
Customer wants the sales rep can only see the sales order, customers associated with the specific sales rep. For example, customer/sales order with sales rep "Will O Clark" can only be viewed by Will O Clark or his supervisor.
Hi Kristoffer, According to Support Team from NetSuite, this is currently system limitation and workround is to use plain text.
Thanks Kristoffer, I already did submit a case to the support team. Currently I didn't get any solutions.
Hi Kris, Thanks this is one of the solutions (another one is I can use directly "Employee 1207" the plain text in the PDF tempate). but the method works for Sales Orders Form, please have a try too. Things now are, why it didn't work for expense report, is it a bug? Thanks again for you input.
Hi Micah, I'm sorry your answer is not correct. I checked from SuiteAnswers it's because the link behind the entity from account register report. URL contains part "app/common/entity/" and is file used for Customer only. When you click vendor record, you will get the same error. It will solve the issue…