My Stuff
Maybe this is crazy but could you do something like add the "complete later" button using your workflow and use that button to call a workflow action script that "unsets" the "complete" check box, saves (this actually would probably have to be a "create" on a new) the record and then re-direct back to the expense report…
Here's just one more thing to poke around with. In the SuiteAnalytics Connect Guide on page 112 there's a section calles "Connect Access to Transaction Credit and Debit Amounts" Credit and debit amounts are not exposed as columns in the Transactions or Transaction Lines tables. However, you can obtain transaction credit…
I think you have to use the Transaction Lines table to get what you want. There's a note at the top of the Transactions Record in the Connect Browser as well as a Domain diagram about revenue recognition at the bottom.
We had some issues with the new client also. Some of our computers didn't work after just doing an in-line install over the existing client. The error messages were similar to yours. NS support gave me these steps which worked for all but one of the computers we were having problems with. <span…
Did this actually get released on May 4th? The file from the "Set up NetSuite for Outlook" link in setup looks to be version
hstacy Are you using basic inventory transfer or transfer orders? There's a setting called "Use Item Cost as Transfer Cost" that affects how transfer orders work. We had this set wrong initially and transfer orders would impact COGS with a "COGS Adjustment". SuiteAnswers 26178 and 37839 might help you.
Hi Nir, Importing price level values for existing items would be an update. A single csv file works fine for a single price level value without quantity breaks. You'll need the columns: Item:Internal Id, Item Pricing 1:Price, Item Pricing 1:Price Level, Item Pricing 1:Quantity. (If you're not using quantity breaks then…
Have you tried experimenting with "Run Unrestricted" and "Disallow Drill Down" (in Results)?
Have you tried a summary criteria something like MAX of Line Sequence Number = 3? You will have to take into account tax, shipping, discount lines etc.
Try something like this from a customer search. Set the standard criteria using the "Item Purchased" Product Line field to be the product line you're looking for. In Summary Criteria create a numeric formula with Sum as the summary type. The formula would look something like this: CASE WHEN…
Take a look at SuiteAnswers Id: 35616. The ns_concat function is probably what you'll want to use to generate that kind of output.
Hi Delilah, Every once in a while our Mimecast service thinks that NetSuite e-mails are spam and holds them. Are you using something like that where you could check and see if they're stuck in a spam folder?
I started looking at XL2QIF before I got distracted with other projects. Not sure if that came up in your research.
How about creating a workflow triggered on create, before load. Use a set field value action to set the field to 'No'.
I tried a test in 2017.1 I think it'll work OK. Since it's a text field that isn't stored, the formula fails and the error message text gets put in the field. The before load happens after that and we're just putting different text in it.
This is very cool. I just installed it to test (Tamper Monkey for Chrome). As written it didn't work for me. I had to make a change to this line [CODE]var elem = $('#item_layer').append('<div id="floating_header" style="position:fixed;top:60px;display:none;"></div>');[/CODE] I needed to change the 60px to 90px in order to…
At first glance it looked OK to me. When I zoomed my browser, I noticed some of the single quotes were different. I'm not sure if it's this way in your actual search but that may be the issue. For instance Cyprus and South Africa have the normal single quotes but all the rest have open and close single quotes on the…
mushrush I have been able to do this in RP with one of our customized Purchase Order forms. By chance to you have any custom actions or scripts tied directly to the form? I don't but I'm just wondering... I just thought of something else. Do you have any forms linked to your PO form?
I've always had to start a new saved search for a custom record by going to the Customization -> Lists, Records & Fields -> Record Types page and then on the page with the list of custom records, the last column has a link to create a search. Once I create and save a search, then I get to it from my Saved Searches.
Wonder what version of IE you're using? One thing to check is that there should be a client script attached to the form. It has the function that the button calls. there's probably a form.setScript() call in the UE script. (or if 2.0 a form.clientScriptFileId = 'script file id'; ) in that script there's typically a…
Where are you trying to use the data? You're creating the variable x within the function and it will be out of scope if you try to use it elsewhere.
Does your saved search have any summary results or joins? If so you have to add them to getValue. For instance eachResult.getValue('custbody_customfieldname', null, 'sum');
I agree with david.smith . Keeping track of what happens between multiple scripts and workflows can be a hair-pulling experience. SuiteAnswers 38093 says that if scripts and workflows have the same context and trigger then the script goes first.
Hi Kent, Can you build your search using the user interface to get the results you want? I'm a big fan of a tool that david.smith put together. You create a saved search in…
Check out SuiteAnswers Answer Id: 39552 "SuiteScript and Address Subrecords – Overview". The important part for you I think is: "Fields on the address sublist are not part of the address subrecord. To access the address subrecord fields, you must open the subrecord." I have a custom address field that I access through…
I'm thinking this may still be true (from SuiteAnswers 41517) [h=3]Note[/h] As of Version 2015 Release 1, you can define multiple secondary subsidiaries only through the user interface, not through SuiteScript or CSV import. You cannot share a vendor record that is also paired with a customer record, such as, if the vendor…
After you set the field value are you submitting the record somewhere? nlapiSubmitRecord(recOpp);
Hi Andy - Have you tried passing the form number as a string? <strong>a_options.formnumber = '114';</strong>
I'm not aware of a way to apply this by user. Sorry :(
I believe that is a system setting. (Which comes with all the caveats that go along with it). In Setup -> Accounting -> Accounting Preferences in the General tab there is an option called "Allow Transaction Date Outside of Posting Period" The help shows : Set a preference for handling mismatched transaction entry. Select…