My Stuff
@Richard James Uri-Oracle Already have "Media Folders" in the Lists Permissions but still getting error.
@Richard James Uri-Oracle Error only comes for FolderSearch & FileSearch. No error when pulling Customer, Item etc when using TBA with bundle. Permission screenshot as you asked for are below
@Richard James Uri-Oracle With Bundle also using TBA only, but getting error.
@Richard James Uri-Oracle Below is the response of Search Folder request when hit using TBA method(Using the same Role in this as assigned to Bundle). <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv=""…
@Richard James Uri-Oracle This bundle is created by us only Name: ConnectApp BUNDLE ID: 514778 Below are List permissions given in the bundle.
@Richard James Uri-Oracle I am able to see the Integration limit. How can I check the user limits? Thanks for your help.
@Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle thanks for the help Can we create Saved Search by SOAP request instead of going to UI?
@Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle I would like to avoid making changes via UI & filter data based on Subsidiary. I want to filter many different endpoints by Subsidiary so looking for a way to avoid the Saved Search via UI path Is there another way of doing it?