My Stuff
I tried the above suggestions and it worked for web address, but not for physical billing / shipping addresses or contacts, those remained blank.
Is the automated process creating sub-customers a custom integration or standard NetSuite functionality? Please specify the details Custom Can you please provide a screenshot or a sample record that is created through that automated? it's currently just the sub-customer name that comes in, the rest of the fields are blank.…
How do I mark the termination as today, but not have the system generate a credit memo when using the Termination Change Order?
I'm not looking to cancel Suitebilling, I'm looking to cancel two subscriptions without sending a refund.
I still do not have an answer on how to get the total $ amount for a group of products to be stored permanently on a sales order. Again, what I'm looking for is when a sales order is created for one type of items to be summed and stored on the sales order, the sales order may later change and I want to be able to track…
I'm still looking for the best way, doesn't need to be a saved search, to take the total amount on an invoice for one class and store it on a fixed field on the Sales Order. This should be done one-time and not updated when / if the Sales Order changes.
The values on the sales order may change after the fact, I'd like this number to be sourced once and saved unless manually changed. Would it be better to accomplish this from a workflow?
I'm back, with screenshots of my search. The search is currently not showing up as a Search field under the Validation & Defaulting subtab for the custom field. First screenshot is the criteria. Results Tab: I'm back to trying to use a workflow, but any assistance on the easiest way would be greatly appreciated.
thank you, it was not showing up in the search drop down. In the meantime we have moved forward and will not need this at this time. Thanks,
Thanks, sounds like we can close this one as what I'm looking for is not currently possible.
@Micah Timbol-Oracle I was looking for a way to edit the match bank data page columns to see which CC User was responsible for each transaction. so I would know which account to assign things to.
It was triggered on Create. I was able to resolve the issue by adding "Opportunity" to the task create and selecting current record. Thanks,
You can close this, I knew how to send it out, but I really wanted it to be something they could view live.
It's still not available, thanks for the suggestions. Anything else to try?
I do have a separate field called birth day (with no year), I have a search showing birthday, anniversary date, and title. But users are unable to view the search.
I was able to figure this one out on my own, you may close or remove this thread.
Thank you, I was able to get a similar search, but it's the two pieces together that I'm having difficulty creating.
Thank you, I appreciate the response.
Thank you for your help, although I don' think this accomplishes what I'm looking for. In a given date range, I would like to see the Qty of leads that come in from lead source 1. In the same date range with lead source 1, I would like to see how many quotes were created for prospects / customers with that lead source…
Spoke too soon, the workflow did exactly what I was looking for, but there is an issue with it. I set up that workflow and now when I go I in to edit a task it loads the page over and over again and doesn't allow me to make any edits or populate any fields. Most of the fields on this form are mandatory, so I can't save the…
I received an answer from NS support and it appears to handle this situation, they provided me with: Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New Search Type: Select Customer Search Title: Enter preferred title Click Criteria tab Note: You may add your other filter but there is no need to add Task:Status Click Summary…
How would I go about creating a workflow to add a checkbox on those that don't have a task? Wouldn't the workflow need a search showing which ones?
Is there a way for the search to only return customers without an open task and leave off the ones that have 0?
I would like the search to only display those customers without an open task, is there a way to do that without including the ones that don't have open tasks?
I used a customer search listed out several customer statuses to search through Task : Status - is none of In Progress. Not Started Goal is to return customers without an open task.
The Filter is there, but I'm looking for a range not a specific day. A Scenario may help: Example 1 - Customer makes their 1st purchase 10/01/2022, then in November they make another purchase and that is all for the year. If I'm looking at all of 2022 for the range (01/01/2022 - 12/31/2022), the sale from October should…
Thank you very much for your help, this is getting directionally closer. It looks like the search is showing me all of the sales rep sales under Old Customers and only today's sales under new customers. What I'd like to see under Old Customers is all sales during the time period for a customer who already had sales prior…
By "new customer" I mean an account with no previous sales and one that is not a child of a current customer. Existing customer sales would be sales to a client already has sales or a new child customer to an existing customer with sales.
When I go to the Standard Sales Order Form the child field is not present.
We are not using OneWorld, and I still can not get my grandchild customers listed on the order from the grandparent.