My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Thanks. This works perfect though I am getting multiple entries for the same document number. How should resolve this?
Thanks, can you guide me further on this. Sorry, I am new to NetSuite and just learning as I go.
Thanks, but Applied to Transaction will be set to specific Sales Order #
@Nicole Mendoza-Oracle Can you help me construct the formula? Sorry I'm really new to NetSuite in general and just learning as I use it. I when I want to send the email notification to a specific person and not the Supervisor.
@Nicole Mendoza-Oracle Thank you for your support. Btw, would this workflow take precedence over the other type of approval using the Supervisor field? Do I have to do something else to make this work? In the below image, it's setting the Supervisor as the approver. This will also affect the email, because the recipient…
Hi @Nicole Mendoza-Oracle I was able to find the condition. Since what I want is to make all Sales Order go through Approval, should I just remove the transition arrow from Initiation to Approved? Also, where can I set the Role who can approve? I have a specific role which I want to make as the sole approver of any sales…
@Grace Catabian-Oracle I'm using the NotoSans font. But you don't have to test it. I got it to work. I have noticed all the Arabic text that are correctly rendering are enclosed with the <strong></strong> tag so I did and it worked. Problem now is it is bold obviously. I may try to find other html tags that would work. So…
@Grace Catabian-Oracle I am using a TTF font, its the NotoSans. I have same setup with what you linked. I only have to change subtype="truetype" to subtype="opentype" but still get the same issue.
Thanks @Grace Catabian-Oracle! I tried your suggestion but it also didn't work. <td align="center" class="pcenter" width="42%"> <span style="font-size:10pt;">${item.description}</span> </td> This is the expected description to be rendered/printed: But this is what is being printed: As you can see, the Arabic text is not…
Thanks @Midhun Nath but I already tried this even though I don’t think it’s a problem with the font or the document format because like I said from the post, only on the dynamic data are Arabic fonts not rendering. All static Arabic text like labels, table headers, text from footers and headers, all these text renders on…
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle No, I haven't yet created a support case for this. Honestly, I don't know from where to do it. Our instance doesn't have support I think, because the Support tab of my dashboard only has Overview menu. And I am already an admin.
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle, Thank for the solution. I was able to hid the builtin Post Item Receipt menu. But... From the screenshot on my original post, I have my custom/cloned process duplicated. I don't know why was that. If I'm going to make the cloned process inactive then both will hidden. Do you have any idea why…
Can someone please tell me where I can download the template for Items CSV imports.
@Jervin Nicholas Teopengco-Oracle Hello! Thank you so much. It works as expected. I didn't even need to create the Transaction Body Field because I just need to display it on Print. So I just added your solution to my PDF template. ${record.creadtedfrom.createdfrom} Thank you again.
Option D
@Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle According to a comment from these thread Enhancement 483554 Commit only a partial quantity of available inventory.
@Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle Hello, These workarounds are not ideal for us since we work with at least 50 items per Sales Order. I saw that the enhancement request is dated back from year 2020. Is there an ETA for this feature? Partial commit would be very helpful for companies like us working with Government orders.…
May I know if still there's no easier way to partially commit item quantities? We are not able to create Waves reason being our sales orders are not committed because we also don't want to commit all of the sales order quantity.
Okay I think I figured out what's wrong. I need to have my line items committed. How do I commit line items? EDIT: I found the setting which will auto commit orders after transaction, but I don't really want this. I want to commit quantity items manually. For example, the SO has a line item of 100 qty, but I want to commit…
@Kristoffer Viray-Oracle This is what I have done so far. I can set the field value even at View mode only using Workflow. And I didn't use an extra custom field for the current user. I was able to source that on the Workflow using User. The problem is I don't want to save the signature on the Invoice record so I have the…
@Kristoffer Viray-Oracle If I'm going to edit and save, whose signature will be saved? Is it the current user or the Sales Rep? What if I create a UE beforeLoad script that gets the signature URL and update the current viewed record, would that work? We don't have sandbox so testing is quite hard.
Hi @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle , No, not the signature of the Sales Rep rather the signature of current user viewing the record. So let say I have my signature uploaded and when I print an invoice, my signature should be embedded on the printed PDF. And for those that doesn't have the signature, it will just leave it blank.
@Rumaysa Mirza Thank you! I did what you suggested and created another field on the transaction form and sourced it on the Employee custom field. I am still confused with the logic though. Whose signature will be sourced on the transaction record? Is it the user who created the transaction or the user currently viewing the…
Hi @Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle , We are using the WMS Mobile app to receive orders. With the default settings, every item that you receive from a PO/TO is automatically posted and creates its own IR document. (This happens at the last page of the mobile process, selecting BIN). We have changed this default by enabling the…
@Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle Correct me if my understanding is not accurate, when you mentioned "We are not posting IR automatically" does this mean the process takes place on another time then you wanted to reference the created PO(previously/another time) to the IR to be posted in the future? With the Mobile WMS, there's…
@Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle Thanks for your help here. We're almost there. 😀 With an IR ID, I can successfully update/save the "Production Date". But since we are not posting IR automatically, how can I access the unposted IR so I can get the ID? Also, is the custom field value (production date) being saved on the unposted…
Sorry for the late reply. I've already got this sorted out. How can I mark this solve?
@Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle For the second one, the internal id of an Item Receipt Record(this is an integer) not the itemreceipt id. Hmmm, how would I know the IR Record ID if the IR is not yet created? My issue is at the last step of creating an Item Receipt. Or maybe I'm reading your comment wrong. Upon checking, you are…
@Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle Hi, No I couldn't open a ticket on my account. I've tried multiple browsers and it gives the same error. I think there's a default script that runs that is giving me this error.
@Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle /** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType Restlet * @NModuleScope SameAccount */ define(["N/record"], function (record) { /** * Function called upon sending a POST request to the RESTlet. * * @param {string | Object} requestBody - The HTTP request body; request body will be passed into function as a…